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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by 1973montec Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:21 pm

no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Nowond10
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by dynchel Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:41 pm

Car? What car?
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by Bruisr Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:02 am

Really? I see that and think, what a waste of a good car. I'm married, and it takes more than a bikini to get my attention. I mean really, are they showin off the car or the girl? If I want to see girls I'll get a nude magazine! When I pick up a car mag. I could care less about some chic trying to gather more readers. Take better pics of cars worth showing off than try to use a girl in a bikini to get more readers. Don't get me WRONG I like women, just not the highlight of a car magazine. I would bet the story inside the magazine on the car doesn't get all the pics needed to show all the details, they waste pics showing off the girls. If thats what I want to see than I'll buy the correct mag.
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by 77mali Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:00 am

Some of the poses the "car chicks" do are hilarious...ever notice? This gal is pretty.

I don't mind seeing either but I wouldn't want any snail trails on a multi-thousand dollar paint job. No what I'm sayin'?

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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by dynchel Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:49 am

i am sure there are some pretty good pic's of the monte carlo inside the magizine. Very Happy lowrider magizine is pretty good at showing the extensive detail work people do to their cars. alot of the cars in lowrider are obviously not driven, ever, since many have such features as gold plated brake hardware, chrome plated rotors, and air brushing in places such as innerfender wells. i an usually amazed at what some people do although i personally would not want a car that all you can do (or want to do) is look at it with the wheels off and mirriors under it. happy bowtie
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by Tom77 Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:20 am

Bruisr wrote: Really? I see that and think, what a waste of a good car. I'm married, and it takes more than a bikini to get my attention. I mean really, are they showin off the car or the girl? If I want to see girls I'll get a nude magazine! When I pick up a car mag. I could care less about some chic trying to gather more readers. Take better pics of cars worth showing off than try to use a girl in a bikini to get more readers. Don't get me WRONG I like women, just not the highlight of a car magazine. I would bet the story inside the magazine on the car doesn't get all the pics needed to show all the details, they waste pics showing off the girls. If thats what I want to see than I'll buy the correct mag.

Its OK we know the wife is sitting there reading as you type. LOL (just kidding feel the same) Very Happy
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

Post by Bruisr Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:52 pm

That made me laugh!
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no wonder i missed this monte on the cover. Empty Re: no wonder i missed this monte on the cover.

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