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2003 Yukon extension bar

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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty 2003 Yukon extension bar

Post by Tom77 Fri May 23, 2014 2:59 pm

Just found out the hard way that I am missing 1 of 3 pieces of my extension bars to lower my spare tire. Was checking around and they are on ebay and amazon the cheapest of which are around $40. Looked at a local junk yard and I think that is where all the ebay ones came from. Any body have or know where to get one of these?


Only need the middle bar.
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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty Re: 2003 Yukon extension bar

Post by chevellelaguna Fri May 23, 2014 3:18 pm

If you tried the junkyard and eBay route, with no success try a cheap loooong 3/8 drive extension, can pick up a cheapie 3 foot one for $20. Wait till you have to replace the carrier itself they are ridiculously expensive, they crap out all the time. Get filled with road salt here.
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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty Re: 2003 Yukon extension bar

Post by ant7377 Fri May 23, 2014 10:32 pm

Search craigslist for the same truck thats trashed and being sold cheap . Call the guy and ask him to sell you what you need. You will beat the junkyard scavengers to the punch.I wish I knew this 2 weks ago,my buddy sent a 02 Suburban to the junkyard from his shop. THe thing was completely rotted out and 220,000 miles and the owner didnt want to spend anymore dough on it. I would have gotten it for you.
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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty Re: 2003 Yukon extension bar

Post by Tom77 Sat May 24, 2014 7:41 am

Nice didn't think out that thanks.
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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty Re: 2003 Yukon extension bar

Post by dynchel Sat May 24, 2014 8:37 am

So it was missing from day one?  That dosen't suprise me.  We just recently had a '03 or '04 tahoe come in where the "tunnel" that connects the hole in the bumper to the spare carrier was not connected (and by the looks of it) was like that from day one.  Apparently he has never had a flat.
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2003 Yukon extension bar Empty Re: 2003 Yukon extension bar

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