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Life-Cars-Music, choice & gas-service truck

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Life-Cars-Music, choice & gas-service truck Empty Life-Cars-Music, choice & gas-service truck

Post by knightfan26917 Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:13 pm

I quipped this (about life, cars & music) 4 years ago (2012), & for me, anyway, it still holds true today, perhaps more so:
Nice Pontiac Firebird pictured, too, btw!

This is from back when you had lots of choices within 1 nameplate! I would take 1 of each, which Ford LTD(s) would you buy?

Remember when gas-service stations all had their own trucks? Looks like this pickup was 1 of them!

Quite a phenomenon how things change even when it seems not to be the case:

Cort, www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pig&cowValves.paceMaker * 1979 CC to 2003 MGM + 81mc
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