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"The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979"

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"The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979" Empty "The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979"

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:38 pm

I'd have to agree with most of their choices.


Except the last one. TIE fighters were MUCH cooler.
So was The Enterprise from "Star Trek:The Motion Picture"
And I'd have to take the T-Bird over the Cougar in '79

"The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979" Ford_thunderbird_1979_photos_1_b
Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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"The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979" Empty Re: "The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979"

Post by Hawk03 Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:05 pm

My dad has a 1979 Thunderbird he bought new, still looks great and has original paint.

"The 5 Coolest Cars of 1979" 20160910
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