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QS full synthetic $8.45/5-quarts

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QS full synthetic $8.45/5-quarts Empty QS full synthetic $8.45/5-quarts

Post by crice63 Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:45 am

QS full synthetic $8.45/5-quarts 36073432923_1e61890c34_z

Advanced Auto is selling Quaker State full synthetic motor oil for $8.45 per 5-quart jug. Not sure how long the sale will last. I picked some up Monday. It is not marked on the shelf, but rings up at the register.

Here is my receipt if you need it for a price match, which they will sometimes do.

QS full synthetic $8.45/5-quarts Quaker10

I saw this deal on Garage Journal and it worked, so I figured people here might be interested....

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