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Riveria Empty Riveria

Post by crice63 Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:25 pm

Saw this at the grocery store yesterday. It looked in great shape, a driver not a show car. I don't know what platform the Riviera is built on so not sure what is the right place for these pics. Not even sure what year it is.

Riveria 37022433076_50cc0743f4_z

Riveria 36375759514_0c2d1fab43_z

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Riveria Empty Re: Riveria

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:43 pm

Aw, yes...the Riviera "Boattails"! Cool personal luxury cars in the day...and, still a good following among the Buick crowd. These were made in '71 thru '73. I believe that one to be a '73.

I've seen a number of these coming and going thru the yards around me and I've helped a number of owners (even a couple of guys in Australia whom I still keep in touch with) with parts. Think they all came with the 455-4bbl.
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Riveria Empty Re: Riveria

Post by crice63 Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:49 pm

I was guessing it was a 73 because of the jutting front bumper but regular back bumper, but that was a WAG.

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Riveria Empty Re: Riveria

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