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Annual Winter Blues Rant!

g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
Limey SE
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:35 pm

So, I spent yesterday digging out from yet another 6" of snow.  That makes an official total of nearly 44" in the past 4 wks (pretty much our average snowfall for a season)...and, it's mostly all still on the ground; along with whatever we had before as it's been so friggin' cold for the past 6 wks.  We set a record monthly total for February of 39" (13" above the previous record).  I've got piles at either end of my driveway that are at least 7' tall.  Had to snow-blow paths around the yard so the dogs can get out and take care of business.  And, to add insult to injury, we tied a record low for the date this morning of -13F and a record low high for the day of +2F.  It's only going to gradually get warmer this week...and, by Saturday, we might finally approach our avg for this time of year of +34F.  Of course, with that mild warming trend comes yet another shot of significant snow.   I'm just about spent dealing with this at my age.   Find myself thinking of moving to warmer climes. Hard to imagine Spring (and cruisin' season) is around the corner.  Anyone else feeling my pain?
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by fasrnur Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:22 am

I feel your pain sir. Of course I too live here in Minnesota. It's so bad around here that you have to creep half way into intersections before you can see if a car is approaching. Global warming my butt! I want to know where that's at so I can go there. lol
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by Limey SE Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:34 am

Man I know what you mean Guys this winter has gone flipping Nuts -6 as I type this with windchill of -11....... and forecasted high is 9 above to 11 above

16 more days till spring Y'ALL

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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by impalamonte Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:11 am

I can somewhat understand. Though I'M not in Minnesota and not cold as many days and less snow.
Here in Indy , -16 with wind chill this a.m. . With a couple of inches of snow yesterday.

But , keep in mind , I'm originally from Nashville ,TN.. So ANY amount of snow is a nuisance. And the cold is hateable! And it seems as I remember , in Nashville this time of year....we were getting the lawn mower ready when I was a kid.
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by g3chevy / Mr Pontiac Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:58 am

Ha! That's one of the down sides to living in the deep south. I've already mowed my lawn this year. But ironically, we are 30 degrees today. Not much grows at that temp.
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by 76 Malibu Sat Mar 09, 2019 5:38 pm

I hear you about the winter blues. We have double the snow fall of a typical winter and it's also been colder than normal. If we have a fast melt, it's going to be a big mess and people may have flooding issues on their property. I have been itching to get the Malibu back out and drive it, but at this rate, by the times the roads are clean and clear, it might almost be May!
76 Malibu
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by ant7377 Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:12 pm

It really hasn't been a bad winter here but I'm done with the cold and dirty roads and cold mornings.
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by fasrnur Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:18 am

At least I could get in and start it up this past week. And now more snow today? WTF! lolAnnual Winter Blues Rant! 03061913
Annual Winter Blues Rant! 03061914
Annual Winter Blues Rant! 03061915
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:21 am

Ha...love the pic of it peeking out of it's shelter.  Like a ground hog on Ground Hog Day!

And, yes...we got flocked yet again overnight with about 5" of wet, sticky snow up here in south metro.  Went out last night around 10:00 p.m. and cleaned everything off as it appeared it had all but ended.  But, nooooo...woke up this morning with more cleanup ahead.  And, the plow hasn't made it's massive deposit in front of the driveway yet, either.  I swear I'm going to have these piles at the end of my driveway until June...sigh.
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Annual Winter Blues Rant! Empty Re: Annual Winter Blues Rant!

Post by fasrnur Sun Mar 10, 2019 4:12 pm

Annual Winter Blues Rant! 53726411

I did the same thing last nightNcarlo77 thinking it was finished. But noooo! Woke up this morning to about 3 or 4 more to clean up.
The picture is how we feel here in Minnesota. Waving of the surrender shovel. lol
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