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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 Empty So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

Post by Limey SE Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:38 pm

So my best friend bought a Trailer and had a Vintage boat attached to it and didnt want it and Asked me if I wanted it before it went to the Boat yard in the Sky.
So with no hesitation I told him bring it on over and its GREEN score for me LIMEY LOL  
Motor is a 55hp evinrude needs a little interior work and detailing even came with the Bimini Top that can be used both directions

So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 70592610
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 71776410
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 71096010
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 71107610
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 71516510
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 70650210
So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 71103710
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 Empty Re: So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:57 pm

Reminds me of when my Dad gave me his similar vintage mint condition 16' Glastron boat when he retired and moved to AZ. Of course, I had nothing to pull it with...so, that cost me a new truck. Then, there was winter storage and the hassle of finding a parking spot at the public boat launches. Thanks alot, Dad; although we did have some fun outings in it with the kids until I finally decided to sell it.
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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 Empty Re: So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

Post by thatfnthing Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:25 am


My wife and I considered a boat, but the advice we got was: "A boat is a hole in the water you throw your money into." So we figure we'll rent. Smile

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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 Empty Re: So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:55 pm

Also, Limey...if that motor is original to the boat (and, it looks like it is), try and find non-ethanol gas for it. These older motors weren't designed to run on ethanol blend. Was especially noticeable with my 65hp Johnson outboard when it would stumble and stall at idle or very slow speed. After I learned the cause was the ethanol blend, I filled the tanks with non-ethanol and it ran like a new motor.
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Street Cred : 78

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So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019 Empty Re: So this Just happened Sarturday 9-21-2019

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