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Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install

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power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install Empty Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install

Post by Hawk03 Sun Dec 29, 2019 8:11 pm

I thought installing a factory trunk solenoid would be easy but I should know better by now. Do I need to cut some sheet metal to make the trunk release work? The solenoid itself installs fine but the flipper? rests on the V cut out (left of the lock shaft) and cannot move to the left when activated to push the lever to unlock the trunk. Am I installing it correctly? It seems like it can only go on one way though. Are the trunk locks different on certain years? This is on a 1977.

power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install 20191213
power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install 20191212
G3GM Enthusiast
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power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install Empty Re: Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Dec 29, 2019 9:29 pm

Yes...you may need to grind off a little sheet metal so that "flipper" rod can move freely. I had forgotten about needing to do that. Think I used my Dremel with a grinding wheel bit and it didn't take much. I know that probably doesn't sit well with a freshly painted trunk lid...but, just put some touch-up paint on it and you'll be good.
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power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install Empty Re: Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install

Post by Hawk03 Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:37 pm

Thanks Steve! Before I cut too much off and have a bigger issue I wanted to make sure that cutting some metal is what was needed. I'll go slow and touch it up as needed.
G3GM Enthusiast
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power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install Empty Re: Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install

Post by Hawk03 Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:02 am

Below is what I cut out and the trunk release works!

power trunk latch - Power Trunk Solenoid Release Install 20191214
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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