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Weld Rodlite/Hoosiers for sale

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Weld Rodlite/Hoosiers for sale Empty Weld Rodlite/Hoosiers for sale

Post by Rocketman269V Tue 17 Sep 2024 - 10:15

I have a pair of WELD RODLITE 15" x 8" wheels, with 3.5" back spacing; 4.5/4.75 bolt circle, with 28" x 9" HOOSIER slicks mounted. These were purchased new several years ago and were only used for mock up and to move the car around the shop. Wheels alone are currently $518.70 EACH at Summit Racing. Tires look fine, but I would recommend only using them for chassis set-up and short time runs. Asking $649.00 obo for the pair. Possible delivery to Central and South Florida.


G3GM Newbie
G3GM Newbie

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