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ha back to being a kid

The Dude
Limey SE
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ha back to being a kid Empty ha back to being a kid

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:52 am

my new toy

electric tc4

ha back to being a kid Th_100_5871
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5872
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5874
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5875
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5877
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5878
ha back to being a kid Th_100_5879


ha back to being a kid SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by Limey SE Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:56 am

should have got a truck dan much faster and more capabilities, but still a very kewl thing to have in the middle of winter

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:58 am

i got a nitro powered truck, T-maxx with a picco .27 big block. too much power for the chassis, keep breaking stuff. then I have about 4 off road buggys
Theyve all been sitting for a long while, when all this snow hit on christmas I got the truck out and played in it


ha back to being a kid SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by Limey SE Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:04 am

sweet thats why you got the car then, let me know at the end of January if you wanna part with that nitro truck might be interested if the price is right

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:08 am

nah dont want to get rid of it, too much money in it and ive had it for 10 years


ha back to being a kid SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by The Dude Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:31 pm

Just scored a gold pan RC10 buggy as a small part of the trade for the Cutlass. Supposedly it has an LRP speed controller, RPM parts, Futaba radio, & some other stuff. Course I have NO idea about RC cars, so this is foreign language to me, but it sure is fun. I guess the guy raced it on the local course.

Anyone have a clue what I rambled off or what it's worth? Hell even knowing how old it is would be nice. I valued it as $100 worth of the trade.
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by IndyG3 Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:43 pm

I still have an HPI Savage sitting at my dad's house somewhere....
G3GM Enthusiast
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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:44 pm

being used its not worth much but if it was new in the box ive seen em up to $3000 bucks


ha back to being a kid SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by The Dude Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:00 pm

Holy crap! So my guess of $100 value was probably a little low. Nice RC you got BTW.
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by JasonZ Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:02 pm

I have a T-maxx but a bearing exploded in the trans and that was it. Bye bye nylon brand new gears.
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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by knightfan26917 Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:56 pm

BlackChevelleSS wrote:my new toy


A friend of mine in Missouri got me interested in those ... just haven't bought one myself ... yet. LOL!

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by IndyG3 Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:37 am

Unless you're REALLY bored, I wouldn't get into to RC stuff. It's really expensive. I mean, really, really expensive...at least it used to be. Any current prices on things? My nitro-powered Savage back in 2005 cost about $500 to get up and running. Exclamation
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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by BlackChevelleSS Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:36 am

yea its all expensive....but what isnt these days? My motor burned up on it the other day so I built a new one. First time driving with the new motor and it snaped the aluminum motor plate in half.


ha back to being a kid SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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ha back to being a kid Empty Re: ha back to being a kid

Post by IndyG3 Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:08 am

Ugh. It's always something being broken with RC cars! Makes me want to dig out my Tamiya Clodbuster. Somehow that thing was bomb proof!
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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