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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

1973 454 MONTE
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:42 pm

how much stuff can come out of a mans back zit????

Last edited by 1973 454 MONTE on Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by coreys73chevelle Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:58 pm

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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:13 pm

i second that.Barf

but why would someone wait so long to pop a zit??????
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:54 pm

I aint even gonna look! JB
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by BlackChevelleSS Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:06 pm

Thats so cool I want one!


worlds biggest zit....................................yuk SIG2

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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by IndyG3 Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:11 pm

It's not a zit. Although it looks like acne, it's actually a cyst. Imagine a zit that somehow smells 10x worse than your worst body secretion, and you have what that guy has.

Oh, and we now need a smiley involving things that have been on the internet for a few years, like a smiley in a DeLorean or something...
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by Limey SE Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:28 pm

IndyG3 wrote:It's not a zit. Although it looks like acne, it's actually a cyst. Imagine a zit that somehow smells 10x worse than your worst body secretion, and you have what that guy has.

Oh, and we now need a smiley involving things that have been on the internet for a few years, like a smiley in a DeLorean or something...

how about this ====>> worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Mswerd

1977 Chevelle SE x2
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by IndyG3 Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:06 am

...I'm a little slow at 4 in the morning. What does the W stand for????
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by Limey SE Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:32 am

IndyG3 wrote:...I'm a little slow at 4 in the morning. What does the W stand for????

WORD ya know the slang meaning of it

this is "QUOTED FROM THE URBAN DICTIONARY" this site neither endorses or condones the following statements

1) True, an affirmation.
As in: "That SHYT was tight!" "Word."

Formerly possessed by the African-American community it slipped into the hands of WANNA BE"S at some point during the nineties. Sometime after this, it briefly appeared as though the word would be adapted into the white lexicon. However, it never gained the mainstream usage of other black words/phrases. Today, it is still used by the aforementioned WANNA BE"S (though usage of "truth" or some bastardization are common as well). A recent trend in usage can also be found among "above the fray" whites using irony (because you wouldn't expect them to say it, get it?). Which brings us to, "That staff meeting/ABBA concert was tight." "Word!"

Note: In the event of white usage, the word must be said with stereotypical "black" intonations. Also note that whites very rarely use "word" in the form of a question.

1. A recognizable combination of letters of any alphabet which embody a concept and used in sentences to convey meaning.
2. A slang term for "promise of truth" derived from "Word of Honor" or "Word is my bond" and shortened for convenience to simply "word".
3. A slang term for "absolute truth" derived from biblical reference to the "Word of God" or the Bible itself.
4. A slang term for an affirmative response or agreement.
5. A slang term for "you're not kidding" and "you can say that again" created because gangstas are too lazy and cool to say those nerdy phrases.
You really need a f***ing example?

1977 Chevelle SE x2
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by 74MonteCarlo Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:35 am

Urban Dictionary cracks me up. Lmao.

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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by ant7377 Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:10 pm

WTF, why would somebody video that ?
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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by 74MonteCarlo Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:24 pm

Better yet, why would someone post it on this forum? Haha, just teasin ya, Chris! Razz

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worlds biggest zit....................................yuk Empty Re: worlds biggest zit....................................yuk

Post by HDHugger Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:22 pm

That made me laugh. My husband walked away cuz I wouldn't turn it off. Too funny!

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