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Obama rant of the day

TWBouska AKA Wooderson
Roadcaptain S3
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Obama rant of the day Empty Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Mon May 10, 2010 2:40 pm

Might as well start a thread on this since he's got something new & shocking to say (or do) almost daily.

Obama rant of the day Obama-smoke1

From more control on automobile manufacturers to forced healthcare, I bring you Barrack Obama's rant of the day!

Obama rant of the day Barack_obama_01

Today's rant........

Technology is bad because I don't know how to use it!
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 77malibu77 Mon May 10, 2010 3:56 pm

where was he born i heard something where they said something about kenya and they said it was his hometown and stuff
dont you have to be born in the U.S. to be president?
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Malicruiser Mon May 10, 2010 4:05 pm

77malibu77 wrote:where was he born i heard something where they said something about kenya and they said it was his hometown and stuff
dont you have to be born in the U.S. to be president?
That's Tomorrows rant!
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Mon May 10, 2010 4:24 pm


Born in Hawaii. Raised in Kansas Embarassed
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Limey SE Mon May 10, 2010 5:14 pm

Rago wrote:http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

Born in Hawaii. Raised in Kansas Embarassed

And Lived in Illinois with the rest of the corrupt governers and shyt !!!

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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 77malibu77 Mon May 10, 2010 6:10 pm

haha ok back on topic of the day
i think he should try out the game consoles first but i doubt he would like them anyways he is way to old for that stuff
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by bigredlaguna Mon May 10, 2010 9:09 pm

Rago wrote:http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

Born in Hawaii. Raised in Kansas Embarassed

Eastern Kansas that is.
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Mon May 10, 2010 9:11 pm

And yet....... I'm not that proud about it.
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 77malibu77 Mon May 10, 2010 9:16 pm

lol would hate to be you guys then again were all suffering
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Tue May 11, 2010 12:38 pm

Today's rant:

America’s diversity is our strength. Our immigration system is broken, but we can’t undermine fundamental principles that define us as a nation in order to fix it. We have to stay true to who we are—a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.


Translation....... Illegal immigrants are too hard to stop so I have a better plan. Open up the borders, we need cheap labor! Head Bang Or does it mean that?

More from the issue (On Cinco De Mayo nonetheless):

So I want to say it again, just in case anybody is confused. The way to fix our broken immigration system is through common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. (Isn't that kind of confusing too?...... Wait, here comes the explanation.) That means responsibility from government to secure our borders, something we have done and will continue to do. It means responsibility from businesses that break the law by undermining American workers and exploiting undocumented workers -— they’ve got to be held accountable. It means responsibility from people who are living here illegally. They’ve got to admit that they broke the law, and pay taxes, and pay a penalty, and learn English, and get right before the law -- and then get in line and earn their citizenship.

Wait I get it now, I'm not confused anymore... maybe. Welcome to the US of A illegal immigrants! We won't make you go home, you just have to pay us for your stay here & by the way, here's your green card. Learn some English & we'll make you a citizen.

Crazy Obama, he cracks me up. drunken
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by JB2wheeler Tue May 11, 2010 2:55 pm

So I want to say it again, just in case anybody is confused. The way to fix our broken immigration system is through common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. (Isn't that kind of confusing too?...... Wait, here comes the explanation.) That means responsibility from government to secure our borders, something we have done and will continue to do. It means responsibility from businesses that break the law by undermining American workers and exploiting undocumented workers -— they’ve got to be held accountable. It means responsibility from people who are living here illegally. They’ve got to admit that they broke the law, and pay taxes, and pay a penalty, and learn English, and get right before the law -- and then get in line and earn their citizenship." Actually I agree with that. Thats the way it was when my forefathers came here 225 years ago and that is ther way it should be now. I am not aginst immagration, if it is under the rules set forth by the American government. Trouble is you have too many people who do not want to follow the rules and they make a bad name for legal immagration. JB
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Tue May 11, 2010 3:48 pm

JB2wheeler wrote:.....Trouble is you have too many people who do not want to follow the rules and they make a bad name for legal immagration. JB

BINGO! My family on the Rago side is mostly immigrants. We are proud Italians & earned the right to be in this country. What I don't agree with is border jumpers & boat floaters that get in illegally & don't have any right being here nor do they do anything besides smuggle drugs in & have children here to become legal. They take away our jobs, housing, & several other resources that could go to legal Americans. I have nothing against a man & his family wanting to better himself, but do it the right way. My main problem is that this new proposal is saying we will give illegals a chance instead of shipping them back. If they couldn't get through legally in the first place, there is probably a good reason......
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by JB2wheeler Tue May 11, 2010 4:44 pm

Right! JB
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by bigredlaguna Tue May 11, 2010 10:21 pm

My lineage is German via Russia. AKA Volga German. My forefathers that I know of believed in assimilation and blending in with the society you are in.

My grandparents knew German, but did not teach or speak it with my dad and uncle. Being German during WWII was risky and they didn't make waves about there heritage, however they never denied their heritage and were in fact proud of it.

As far as the current situation, I'm in agreement with JB for the most part. All I can add to that is that we need to find out what makes it more attractive to risk your life to get here versus getting in legally and fix that. I've got no problem with migrant workers coming here to work for a season and then going back. If we make a way to keep track of the flow of people, we can better protect their rights in the workplace concerning fair wages and hours of work.
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Malicruiser Wed May 12, 2010 1:10 am

German, Cherokee, Apache,.....and......well my dad was adopted so it's a dead end beyond that. I look Irish though, and my grandfather insists that my dads biological father was a Irish brick layer. Can't tell if it's true or not but that's what I'm going to tell my kids anyway. Smile
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:58 am

New rant:

Obama has decided that he needs to spend our tax payer money to file a lawsuit against Arizona for creating a state law against illegal immigrants. IMHO this is not only a waste of time & money, but should be an impeachable action. Seriously. Our nation's president is angry that a state developed it's own law to protect it's border? How wrong is that?


Get the picture yet?

Obama rant of the day Barack_obama_muslim
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:40 pm

You should blame the states for selling out their sovreignty to the federal govt generations ago.
What used to be proud,independent little countries began relying on Uncle Sam for money and sold their souls when they did.

I ain't saying Obama is blameless, but the state politicians all bear responsibilty for giving away their independence in exchange for federal money for infrastructure, education, welfare programs etc.

Instead of being independant, self reliant, United States, we are a collection of little piglets sucking at the Federal teat.
Roadcaptain S3
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by ant7377 Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:34 pm

Yup, the lawsuit thing is a steaming pile. S3 is right too,you should see the A$$
kissing NY does.
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 74Malibu383 Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:55 pm

We can only hope that the 73% of first time idiots voters don't repeat their mistakes next time.
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by bigredlaguna Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:03 pm

I like Glenn Beck's friday shows. He pretty much tells the American history that got deleted from the public education system.

In relation to state's rights, the senators used to be elected by the state legislators (state level senate and house of reps.) to represent the state's interest. Now they are elected directly by the population, so IMO they are able to be elected by a minority that doesn't necessarily have the state's best interest at heart. All it takes is someone to whip up some emotion among the population.
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:43 pm

Rago wrote:http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

Born in Hawaii. Raised in Kansas Embarassed
"RIGHT" Suspect
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:27 pm

Obama says — and you students out there need our guidance to put it all in the correct perspective.
lets see so we need "THE MAN" to put it in perspective scratch when did americans need the govt. to tell us how to live. when did americans decide that everything the government tells us is "the truth". the government is what said smog equipment makes a car run better even though when its on a car the car gets poor mileage and no performance? Turd this is what i think of the government and i support arizona and there new law
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 74chick Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:34 am

Obama rant of the day Obama20Beer-001
Obama rant of the day Weeeeesmiley-1
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:34 am

The Dude
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by TWBouska AKA Wooderson Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:23 pm

Obama is a stupid piece of S*it.
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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Obama rant of the day Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

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