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Obama rant of the day

TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by JB2wheeler Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:35 pm

You guys are too hard on Obama. If you keep it up he might get his feelings hurt and go back to Iraq where his ancesterrs came from. JB
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:25 am

we can only hope
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:10 pm

Got a nice Email today. Figured I'd share here instead of creating a new thread.

Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Untitl10
The Dude
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Malicruiser Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:34 pm

Rago wrote:Got a nice Email today. Figured I'd share here instead of creating a new thread.

Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Untitl10
F@$#*&% AMEN TO THAT!!!!
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:19 pm

im glad someone finnally took the time to break that down for those rocket scientists out there Clapp
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by bigredlaguna Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:39 am

I've seen that posted on comments to news articles about illegal immigrant. Too bad it makes sense and makes me want to go to work for cash only.
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty heres a good one

Post by 74chick Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:24 am

7 mins long
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty I forgot this.

Post by 74chick Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:33 am

Comments from a retree:

The case that originated in Federal District Court - Central Division in Santa Ana had "David A DeJute", the US Assistant Attorney General in Los Angeles representing Defendant Obama. No references to Kagan.

She would be cited if the case had gone to the Supreme Court. Now it will be someone else, but Kagan is on the Supreme Court.

Since this is in 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it is not a sure thing that it will be dismissed. If they dismiss it, it would be appealed to the Supreme Court that should have final jurisdiction on it anyway.

FACTS are simple, Obama has "never proved that he is a natural born citizen because he can't and isn't". The birth place has nothing to do with it, although Plaintiff lawyers are going that direction. In the Dr. Orly Taitz case she believes Obama born in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya would be a British citizen because the American mother was 18 years old. She believes there was a treaty or some kind of agreement between the USA and Great Britain where American mothers less than 19 years of age would give birth to British citizens, and if 19 years or older would give birth to American Citizens.

Still not relevant.

Fact that Obama, Sr. was British citizen at time of Obama's birth in 1961 makes him ineligible because "natural born citizen" means both parents were American Citizens. This was the situation for Barry Goldwater born in Arizona Territory instead of a State; the same for other past Supreme Court cases; and the same argument in the 110th Congress on a Judiciary Committee analyzing John McCain's eligibility for being born on a military base in Panama Canal region (to American Citizen parents).

I think if one of those lawyers for Plaintiffs narrows down the "natural born citizen" arguments in their opening briefs, it can be decided rather quickly.

One of the plaintiffs (two cases combined in the Appeals) wants California votes for Obama to be nullified, but that opens up a closed Pandora's Box (Electoral College). Without California's votes, Obama would be organizing a community somewhere in Kenya...

Mad Embarassed
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 74chick Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:37 am

And this,

> Did Snopes lie about Obama's birth certificate?
> >
>> Well, someone figured out why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court.... Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. She was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owes her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It's all about payback time for those that compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there. We should be getting so sick of all of this nonsense. The USA has become the laughing stock of the world.
>> Links are included below:
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/09-724.htm
> >
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/08-10382.htm
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/08-8145.htm
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/09-581.htm
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/09a381.htm
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/08m38.htm
>> http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/08-10382.htm

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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:52 pm

and people tell me im crazy when the evidence is beating em in the head with a stick
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 74chick Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:24 pm

Subject: WOW - I had no idea

President Truman
established one day a year as a
"National Day of Prayer."
President Reagan
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as
the National Day of Prayer.

In June
Candidate Barack Obama
declared that the USA
"Was no longer a
Christian nation."
This year
President Obama
canceled the
21st annual National Day
of Prayer ceremony
at the White
House under the ruse
Of "not wanting to offend anyone"


BUT... on September 25, 2009
from 4 AM until 7 PM,
a National Day of Prayer
was Held on Capitol Hill,
Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims
in D.C. that day.


I guess it Doesn't matter
if "Christians"
Are offended by this event -
We obviously
Don't count as
"anyone" Anymore.

The direction this country is headed
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
especially knowing that the
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
converted, they should be annihilated.

This is not a Rumor –
Go to the website
To confirm this info:
( http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com/ )

Pay particular attention to the very bottom of the page:
I hope that this information will stir your spirit.

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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by McCauley5983 Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:17 pm

bring it on Twisted Evil
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by Malicruiser Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:38 am

Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Image010
Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Image011
Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Image012

Well that's my thoughts anyways. Very Happy
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by 74chick Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:53 am

Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Image10
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Obama rant of the day - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama rant of the day

Post by The Dude Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:35 am

Little more comedy for you guys. This song was wrote about 10-15 years ago, btw.