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EBay Bull$&^*

1973 454 MONTE
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty EBay Bull$&^*

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sat May 29, 2010 9:02 pm

So I'm looking for a part SPECIFIC to a 75 Malibu i.e. Tail light.

Or specific to a 77 monte, or 73 Olds, or a 68 Mustang or WHATEVER.

You type in 75 Malibu your search and hit "enter".......

756 hits???? 22 pages of stuff??? What???

Pages and pages of edelbrock 600 carbs SPECIFICALLY for a 75 Malibu????, or 300 windshield wiper blades from "Autoparts Warehouse"???? AAAAARRRGGGHHHH.

So....you get more specific- "75 Malibu Taillight" in the search box.....

188 hits, 175 of those are frickin' lightbulbs!!!!! All from the same merchant who just listed them over and over and over agian.

So you filter out "new" and choose "used" or NOS

38 hits......all more BS not even coming close to the actual tail light housing you are looking for. You finally find ONE Head Bang in a "store" with a BIN of $260. Head Bang

EBay sucks.

I'm spoiled, and miss the days when it was just a bunch of car guys cleaning out the garage, or the salvage yard guy knocking down his inventory.

How the hell do these companies find the money to pay somebody to post a carb for sell and then list it as fitting EVERY FRIGGIN car that was ever built.. Blow Up YYYYYAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Okay, done, Sorry. Embarassed
Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sat May 29, 2010 9:06 pm

Only thing I look at on eBay is just cars. I don't look at parts.

G3GM Fanatic
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Sat May 29, 2010 9:11 pm

try just 1975 malibu or 1975 chevelle

what gets me is all the carbs that just fit a chevelle LOL
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by IndyG3 Sat May 29, 2010 11:00 pm

eBay is pretty much a bastard compared to what it used to be (even though I found my car on there *cough*). It really tests your search-fu to look for car parts on there anymore.
G3GM Enthusiast
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by ant7377 Sat May 29, 2010 11:27 pm

What about the cheap A$$ turbo kits and the million wheel tire combos and the
stupid racing seats . C'mon list one or two then just put it in applications in the description.
G3GM Addict
G3GM Addict

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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by orange Juiced Sun May 30, 2010 1:28 am

I hate looking for parts on there for that reason. I'll look thru all the pages when i have the time, but yeah how many times do u need to post the same door handles.
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by coreys73chevelle Sun May 30, 2010 1:31 am

try, this.

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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sun May 30, 2010 8:52 am

I'm not really looking for a tail light, just used that for an example.....

But, ironically, I did try that guy last year.., i won't go into the whole story, but if anyone is looking for a tail light, I'd look elsewhere.
Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

Post by The Dude Sun May 30, 2010 11:01 am

The sad thing about all of this is Scummit Racing is behind A LOT of the BS postings..... What happened to them being a respectable company? Mad
The Dude
The Dude

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EBay Bull$&^* Empty Re: EBay Bull$&^*

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