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yard sale

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yard sale Empty yard sale

Post by coreys73chevelle Sun 6 Jun 2010 - 0:30

community yard sale was today and i had the car out doing some work and had a $7000 sticker on it haha actually had some people who took my number for it at that price. if you ever have a yard sale start your car with open headers everyone will come to it and say oh so this is the car i heard from on the other block way down the road lol. there seems to be a lot of people around here who know what a 73 is and like 3rd gens, and a few who had them once i was suprised
G3GM Senior Member
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yard sale Empty Re: yard sale

Post by badbiscayne66 Sun 6 Jun 2010 - 10:48

HAHAHA.........Once long ago my mom was having a yard sale but was completely dead...I was going to load my camaro drag car on the trailer but thought I would make a quick run down the block and back.....No problem!!!........Drove QUICK to corner..........Turned around........QUICK back.......Driveway FULL of customers...............SOOOOO here I sit in the road full race ready nowhere to go!!!!!!!............COUNTY SHERRIFF pulls up!!!!!NO NO TICKET!!!!!!........But did ask if it was part of yardsale.. Head Bang lol! GoFast
G3GM Member
G3GM Member

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