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Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

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Sad news in the classic car restoration world... Empty Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

Post by chevy76monteman Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:59 am

Sad news for the classic car restoration industry. The Paddock Performance and Restoration has closed down and everything is being auctioned off on July 29th.

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Sad news in the classic car restoration world... Empty Re: Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

Post by IndyG3 Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:03 am

That sucks. Their building was fairly close to where I live.
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Sad news in the classic car restoration world... Empty Re: Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

Post by The Dude Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:34 am

It's been closed for a while, just couldn't get any info on the net as to why.... Crying or Very sad

Thanks for sharing the story, I figured something like this is what happened but had a small bit of hope that it was just a website crash. The thing that burns the most is the fact that they sold more oddball stuff for our cars than any other company out there like floorpans, 4 speed conversion kits, trim pieces, etc.
The Dude
The Dude

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Sad news in the classic car restoration world... Empty Re: Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:54 am

I got a few parts from them...

Trunk mat, speaker boxes, door pull straps...

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Sad news in the classic car restoration world... Empty Re: Sad news in the classic car restoration world...

Post by novaderrik Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:30 am

they went out of business because they generally had higher prices than other places that sold the exact same parts, tended to have more stuff on terminal backorder, and had some really bad customer service.
disclaimer: this isn't my experience- i never ordered a thing from them. i'm just going by what i've been reading on different forums online.

they got by when the economy was booming and everyone was cashing in their 401k to restore their dream car.. but now that everyone has blown thru their retirement money and have to pay for stuff, they tend to buy less fancy new stuff and want to get the best deal when they do.

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