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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Limey SE
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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by HDHugger Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:06 pm

Once again, I come around the corner and get whiplash zoning in on another G3 Chevelle!

Here's a 1975 ElCamino Classic for ya...

[img]Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Kissy_11[/img]

G3 Chevelles are definitely showing well this year. I remember when you couldn't find one of these at ANY car shows, now they are really coming out of the woodwork.

[img]Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Kissy_13[/img]

Just remember, we are all here to see it happen!

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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:09 pm

That's a sharp EC

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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by Limey SE Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:22 pm

looks nice hugger were they reffered here ?? LOL

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by 1973montec Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:39 pm

i saw a grand am at a car show on friday.
Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! 09171010

i totally dig the luvered windows
Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! 09171011
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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:55 pm


He has the same half mood headlight covers I have on my Monte Carlo Very Happy

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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:16 pm

I wish my Elky was the same color as the brown one. JB
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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by 77malibu77 Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:22 pm

love the el camino and grand am
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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

Post by HDHugger Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:00 am

I didn't see the owner. It was raining, so he was probably finding a dry place to hide.

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Another G3 Chevelle at a car show! Empty Re: Another G3 Chevelle at a car show!

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