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gas prices

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gas prices Empty gas prices

Post by 1973montec Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:31 pm

gas prices 002l0510
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by 74MonteCarlo Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:34 pm


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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:54 pm

Good one! Paying $3.43/gal in Mpls area. In the summer, I burn higher priced Premium 91 octane (non-ethanol) in the Monte. Octane isn't necessary of course, but just like the option of not having to use that darned ethanol blend.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by TWBouska AKA Wooderson Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:31 pm

i WISH i could get gas for 3.43 out here...im paying right at $4.00 a gallon
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Leike Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:20 am

€ 1.60 / ltr is the same as $ 8.56 / gallon affraid
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:57 am

Yikes! I knew gas was high in Europe...but, that is HIGH! Just curious...how many miles would you say the average driver puts on his/her car over there? And, how many cars does the average family own? In the U.S., our whole society's way of life has been built around driving and $8 gas would have crippling effects on most people's livelihoods and thus, the economy.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by The Dude Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:23 am

Well, I live at the KS/OK/MO border. Here are the prices as of yesterday depending on which gas station I drove by (has been raising daily though).

MO $3.29 - $3.34
OK $3.39 - $3.41
KS $3.49

KS gas is by far the most expensive in this area. Usually MO & OK are about the same with KS almost always $0.20 higher. Also remember that the cost of living is lower here, therefore my pay scale is lower here too. TW's $4.00 a gal is probably on the cheaper side if you look at the median income of his area vs mine. Leike, I couldn't try justifying your price if I had to. $8.50 a gal is just plain nonsense & this is why I have always been a supporter of drilling our own oil because we are headed for record high prices this summer just like we had a few years ago.

Chris, your jokes are usually hilarious, but this one... well I guess it struck me. I laughed for a minute until I realized how true it is. Sad
The Dude
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by abajc3 Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:35 am

it used to be less than 5.30$/gal here just a couple of years ago, when we still had the conservative government. than a bunch of incompetent ex communist liberal douchebags came to power and its 7$/gal now and rising as regularly as the sun. they have to increase the share of money they get from such things as gas, alcohol, smokes... to fill the huge gap in the national budget, which they created. i get pissed every time i go to fill my car up...

steve: ive never been to USA, but id say we drive cars just as much here. you see, cars are mostly in 1.2 - 2.0 or maybe 2.5 displacement range, and more than half of them are diesel powered. they get around 40mpgs so our gas expenses are quite similar to yours.

if we had the same gas prices as you do, the malibu would definitely be my dd. a man can dream...

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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:55 am

Well, here in Minnesota (Land of 10,000 taxes), there has been talk of adding more to the sales tax on gas in order to help fill the deficit for road construction, repairs and God only knows what else they have in mind. Also, talk of a User Tax based on mileage driven has been bantered about...can you believe that? I guess there is some sort of device they can install that would report your mileage each year for tax purposes when license tabs would be renewed. With all our states running budget deficits, you just watch how creative they can be in order to keep pulling more money out of our pockets.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Leike Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:02 pm

It's about the same story as abajc3 in the netherlands.
I think the average number of cars / family is about 1.5 / family and the average driver puts about 10.000 miles / year.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by OLD NO.7 Avalanche Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:36 pm

N.Y.C $4.30 / gal for 91 oct. 93 oct your looking at $ 4.35/gal.
I officially hate the fact that I drive a Supercharged 6.0L right about now.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by TWBouska AKA Wooderson Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:50 pm

jeeze...at least you guys are getting good quality fuel (in the US at least) out here in cali its 4.00 for 87 octane..93 is our "supreme"
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by The Dude Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:48 pm

93 octane is nearly impossible to find here. 91 octane is close to $4 & over $4 in some places.
The Dude
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by abajc3 Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:36 pm

we have 95, 98 and 100 octane fuel. but some say that US has a different method of measuring octanes and that our fuels are basically the same octane #. who knows...

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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by pila Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:49 pm

I paid $3.65.9 today for my pickup truck. 30 bucks doesn't move the gauge needle very far. I usually burn avgas in my Malibu. Maybe not this year, since it may be over 5 bucks a gallon when summer is here.

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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:44 pm

What pisses me off about these gas prices (actually, there are a lot of things that piss me off about the gas prices) is that it seems they are just testing the waters of tolerance to see just how high they can raise them before everyone starts sqawking too loud and it appears it might derail the economic recover. I know...what economic recovery?!! Can someone explain to me why two yrs ago when a barrel of crude was $147 that only then did gas reach the $4/gal level and now it's basically there again with a barrel of crude down under $110? What the heck would the price be if it went back up to $147/barrel?
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by IndyG3 Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:47 pm

Gas prices in Indiana have crept up to $3.60/gal over the last couple of weeks, but it's slowly coming back down.

I'm getting tired of all of this expensive crap. It's not even pure gasoline anymore, so why charge us full price, other than to make more money? I think I read somewhere that our Gov's head of the Dept. of Energy pretty much admitted that gas prices are being allowed to get high so we feel pressured into buying hybrids and alt-fuel vehicles. Might by my tin-foil hat getting a little tight, but I need to dig up the article.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:30 pm

You aren't the only one who has heard such talk. This isn't about normal supply vs demand economics that's driving the prices higher.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by abajc3 Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:59 am

thats our story exactly. oil getting cheaper, gas prices rising. and if we are talking about unreasonable taxes and laws, check this one out, it is going to ged accepted over here very soon: where i live, its normal to help your neighbours and friends for free. then, when you need help they help you back and everyone is happy, except the government, because they have nothing from that. so from now on, this help will be considered illegal (except helping close family members) and it will be fined up to 3000$. we will literally have to hand out a reciept to the one we are helping and then pay taxes for that.

now how sick is that...

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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by ant7377 Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:21 am

This is all Wall Street, its not capitalism its ripping us (U.S.) off. Its what they can get away with. I dont believe any of what I hear we have plenty and there is no trouble and no one has a good excuse because they (wall street) gets
rich from this nonsense and the dough goes down the line (I95- straight to D.C.)
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Leike Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:14 am

If we could we had to stop driving our cars, stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol.
We should do this for one year, the whole world would turn upside down !
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Mcarlo77 Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:03 am

That is the most bizarre and frightening idea I think I've ever heard, Andrej! Just how do you suppose the gov't would enforce such a thing...unless neighbors and friends started ratting out each other? And that, my friend, is the scary part. Always looking over your shoulder as to who might be the one to blow the whistle on some good deed you did for someone without expecting compensation. This seems like a tactic a communist minded gov't would use to gain control over it's people.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by Limey SE Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:12 am


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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by The Dude Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:52 am

Strange that it's not just our gov't trying to control us more & more each year. Andrej, I feel for you & hope that the law doesn't get accepted over there.

You want to know what law I have a problem with? Seat belt tickets. I almost always wear mine & could understand giving me a ticket if you have another LEGITIMATE reason to pull me over, but why flip a U-turn & pass people just to pull a guy over for not being buckled up? Seems like the officer caused more of a disturbance than the soon to be ticketed driver. For that matter, why tell me what I HAVE to do in my car? My seat belt isn't going to make me a better driver & doesn't effect anyone but myself. BTW, that scenario I mentioned actually happened to me... TWICE!

Speaking of Obamanation, thankfully we only have one more year with this prick. I've only heard bits & pieces, but what's this about us sticking our nose into Libya's business? Isn't that what Obama was slandering Republicans for with Iraq? Oh well, at least we didn't get stuck with Hillary. Maybe next year we'll get someone like Haley Barbour, Mike Huckabee, or Ron Paul in office.
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gas prices Empty Re: gas prices

Post by TWBouska AKA Wooderson Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:01 am

speaking of speeding tickets, i got one a couple weeks ago on my way home from school and i was WEARING my seatbelt, thing is, it was just my lap belt and the cop said i needed to wear those stupid shoulder harnesses too...anyone know of a way out of this? i plan on fighting it as its bs and its a 175 dollar ticket out here.
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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