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any information would be nice

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any information would be nice Empty any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Sun May 15, 2011 10:12 pm

any information would be nice Tool_b10
any information would be nice Snap_o10
any information would be nice Et_bmp10
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sun May 15, 2011 10:43 pm

Old Snap On. I'll bet that was a pretty penny back when it was new. My dad has a TON of Snap On tools from when he was a mechanic. Looks like its his dwell meter, timing light(I see the jack for it on here) and the...crap i cant remember his 3rd meter/gauge that looks like these. Have to dig it out.

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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Sun May 15, 2011 10:56 pm

im missing the timing light
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sun May 15, 2011 10:59 pm

That sucks. That stuff will work forever. All of my dad's equipment from 1979 when he finished trade school still works.

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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Sun May 15, 2011 11:08 pm

it turns on but im still trying to figure it out
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by ant7377 Mon May 16, 2011 12:36 am

probably a scope of some kind on there too.
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by bigredlaguna Mon May 16, 2011 9:32 am

The top screen looks like an oscilloscope. There are some leads that connect to the coil (a special one that clips on to the top of an HEI) and the scope shows the energy wave that happens in each cylinder. The pattern looks kind of like a heartbeat, and you can tell which cylinder is different from the rest.
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by The Dude Mon May 16, 2011 11:13 am

I'm told that the older televisions make great oscilloscopes for cars with solid wires, lol!

Got any shots of the gauges? I'm thinking that's similar to one that I worked with back in high school Vo-Tech. If so, that machine should be able to tell you just about anything electrical that you want to know.
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Mon May 16, 2011 8:34 pm

whats the attachment for the hei look like and could i possibly make one
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by bigredlaguna Mon May 16, 2011 9:37 pm

The HEI attachment kind of covers the top of the distributor and gets the oscilloscope info via magnetic induction from the coil.
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Mon May 16, 2011 9:49 pm

any pictures
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by pila Mon May 16, 2011 10:52 pm

The pulses of the cylinders in the scope can indicate a few things. If I remember correctly Question the amplitude (height) of the pulse can indicate a cylinder with lower compression, since the spark energy is different from a low to high cylinder pressure etc. I used one in the 60s, but I have CRS these days........
Any manuals with it ? I would bet that some info or copies of manuals could be found on the internet.

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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Mon May 16, 2011 11:40 pm

i havent been able to find anything i pulled it out of a barn that was falling down 3or 4 years ago havent seen one like it
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by pila Tue May 17, 2011 4:22 am

There should be a data plate or tag with a model number on it on there someplace. If you find a model number, do a Google search for a manual for it. Some places have manuals that can be down loaded.

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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by The Dude Tue May 17, 2011 9:31 am

I want to say there's also a book out there that goes into detail on how to read, diagnose, & operate an automotive oscilloscope. Could be losing my memory though. I read a lot of books.
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Tue May 17, 2011 8:37 pm

typed it in google nothing not really a market for these things so there little to no information
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by The Dude Wed May 18, 2011 9:23 am


This one's expensive through Amazon, but I'm sure you could find it cheaper elsewhere. Maybe your public library?
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by 1973 Buick Century Wed May 18, 2011 1:07 pm

I don't know if this idea helps. But when I went to college at a state school here in IL, the college library had a whole bunch of General Motors and FoMoCo wiring diagrams, factory manuals, Snap On tool instruction manuals, and various other bits of print from the '60s and '70s. When a local GM/FoMoCo dealer moved buildings, then donated all the old out of date literature to the college library.

I found a 1977 vacuum diagram for my LTD and a wiring diagram for a '74 Lincoln Mark series. I asked if I could buy it since the last check out date was 1985 (this being 2006), they said nope.

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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by McCauley5983 Wed May 18, 2011 9:14 pm

i tried to buy some books here and they told me the same thing the sad part is they wont sell em but they will thow them all away
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any information would be nice Empty Re: any information would be nice

Post by dragons_lair59 Wed May 18, 2011 10:35 pm


not the same but more of a base model
model mt540 is a base model (2nd pic)
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