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Pray for Joplin, MO

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by The Dude Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:05 pm

An EF5 tornado swept through Joplin, MO on May 22, 2011 destroying everything in it's path. The tornado ripped directly through 16 miles of the city, but wind damage destroyed stuff for several more miles. Here is just a glimpse of the damage, but it's much worse in real life. The following videos & pics that I will be posting pale in comparison to what it's really like to have seen the storm coming. I was in a nearby town & watched the storm begin. We got a lot of hail this way, but thankfully missed the tornado.

Storm kicks in at around 2 minutes. First person video. Graphic cries, but no picture.

Aftermath of same place

The storm & aftermath

More aftermath

President Obama visited to see the damage & declared it a national disaster

There are plenty more videos, I could go on for hours posting them. Just type in Joplin tornado on YouTube. Will get some pics later. This tornado hit many key spots including one of the two hospitals, one of the two Walmarts, Home Depot, several gas stations, a few grocery stores & restaurants, the high school, I believe it hit another school, and most importantly it destroyed over 600 homes. It also damaged many other homes in the vicinity & took a lot of lives. The exact number is disputed as of now due to several unidentified limbs being found.
The Dude
The Dude

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by abajc3 Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:34 pm

damn, im used to 150mph winds and i always thought that this tornadoes were nothing special and the problem was in weak houses.

but seeing this made me reconsider and i realised that this aint no joke. my prayers are with the people of joplin!

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by BlackChevelleSS Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:57 pm

ef5 tornado is like 250-350 mph spinning winds with a massive vacuum that is strong enough to pick up what ever it wants


Pray for Joplin, MO SIG2

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by The Dude Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:23 am

Tornadoes are no joke at all. 150mph winds in a tornado will pull large trees out of the ground. I've seen quite a few in this area over the years & never figured I would see one worse than the Picher, OK tornado a couple of years ago that was considered an EF4. Guess I was wrong on that one.

Tornadoes are classified into five categories, F-0 through F-5. F-0 tornadoes are the mildest. F-5 tornadoes are the most dangerous (and the rarest).

* F-0 40-72 mph, Light damage, chimney damage, tree branches broken
* F-1 73-112 mph, Moderate damage, mobile homes pushed off foundation or flipped over
* F-2 113-157 mph, Considerable damage, mobile homes demolished, trees uprooted
* F-3 158-205 mph, Severe damage, roofs and walls torn down, trains overturned, cars thrown around
* F-4 207-260 mph, Devastating damage, well-constructed walls leveled
* F-5 261-318 mph, Violent damage, homes lifted off foundation and carried considerable distances, autos thrown as far as 100 meters.
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by The Dude Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:28 am

I have a picture saved that I will post soon. It is a board that was shoved through a sidewalk. Shocked
The Dude
The Dude

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by abajc3 Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:22 am

wow. how common are the tornadoes anyhow? where do you hide when they strike? basements?

i know that if anything like that happened over here, id run to our wine cellar. that thing is completely underground with walls 3ft thick. besides theres plenty of wine and dried meat in there lol

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by The Dude Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:52 am

Well, we always go through what I call "tornado season" in May. Most years we only get some high winds, maybe some hail. Almost always end up picking up debris from tree limbs this time of year, but then again I live in the woods. It's not too common to get large tornadoes through here, but when they hit you know it.

Some people build storm shelters (safest route), some hide in their basements (safe, but could be crushed from the debris of the house). I've heard of hiding in the centermost room of your house, closets, bathtub, pretty much anywhere away from glass or a lot of large movable objects. This tactics mean nothing in anything larger than an EF3 though. Pretty much bend over & kiss your A$$ goodbye if you aren't hiding inside of an underground storm shelter with non-perishable food & water in case you get trapped.
The Dude
The Dude

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by The Dude Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:46 pm

Some great aerial shots here:
The Dude
The Dude

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by Jedediah Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:02 am

I always enjoyed watching the storms on the wealther channel and wanted to go storm chasing. The storms we get here hit the coast and they dont do the kind of damage you have seen. This year though i havent liked watching the storms on the wealther channel with the amount of damage and the people that have been taken from their families. Its both amazing and heart breaking to see what mother nature can do.
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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

Post by pila Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:55 pm

I'm not into religion, but my heart goes out to those folks.

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Pray for Joplin, MO Empty Re: Pray for Joplin, MO

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