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It's a Jeep Thing...

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by 74Malibu383 Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:24 am

You wouldn't understand.........

Almost crashed the truck on the way to work trying to get a picture of this POS at 65mph. Last time I checked roll cages were supposed to be inside the body.

It's a Jeep Thing... Jeep_t10
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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by 74MonteCarlo Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:36 am

Haha. Wow.

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by The Dude Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:29 pm

It's called an exoskeleton or an exocage. Mainly used by rockcrawlers, it's actually much safer then a cage built inside of the truck. That one looks very functional compared to some that I have seen. It's not just a Jeep thing, it's a country boy thing..... you city slickers just don't understand, lol!

It's a Jeep Thing... Taradon
It's a Jeep Thing... Mcr14
It's a Jeep Thing... Normal_DSCF0045
The Dude
The Dude

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by 74Malibu383 Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:32 pm

Rock crawlers should stick to rocks... Not freeways. I say poser.....
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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by The Dude Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:48 pm

Yeah, but usually posers have fresh paint jobs & nicer wheels than this one. The cost of tubing & having someone cut, weld, & bend this would be too outrageous for a poser to pull off & not try to bling the truck out. Here's an example of your typical poser/mall crawler:

It's a Jeep Thing... 100_6276
The Dude
The Dude

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by abajc3 Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:58 pm

the nicest paintjob is a few inches of mud all over the car! and guess what, its free!

im in a progress of getting myself an old 4x4 and then trying to kill it as soon as i can:) you city people dont know what real fun is:))

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by The Dude Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:06 pm

I agree Amen Brother!

I've owned countless offroad vehicles, some that even served as daily drivers. 2 Jimmies, a Bronco, a Samurai, a Z71, just to name a few. All were lifted, all were abused off road, all of them wore mud as a badge for at least a couple of days after each outing.
The Dude
The Dude

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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by 74Malibu383 Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:33 pm

Couple of days??? I have a "city guy" that works for me who hasn't washed his truck in 6 months. It's got at least 4 mud outtings on it. Everytime he shuts the door dirt falls off from somewhere. We make him park in the same parking spot every day.......
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It's a Jeep Thing... Empty Re: It's a Jeep Thing...

Post by The Dude Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:12 pm

Well now that's just automotive abuse. pale
The Dude
The Dude

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