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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Limey SE
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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Blonde Angel Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:24 pm

ant7377 wrote:If you can afford it send him to private school.I saw my youngest brother do much better than my middle brother and I and he went to private school. The classes are smaller and the teachers seem to know the kids better and they dont put up with any crap either. I think that the public schools should give the parents the choice of whether they want their kids whacked .I bet alot would allow it. Dont give up on him because later in life its going to come back and bite him in the butt.

Boy are you right!!! His father and I are ALWAYS telling him that what he does now effects his future, and that what goes around comes around. My father told me that and my grandpa told my dad that. And it amuses me to see his reaction, when he gets grounded, or punished for his actions, he is so puzzled and confused by what is happening. Like what he did to deserve the punishment never happened and in his words "It isn't fair"!! Ha, what mom and dad deal with everyday isn't fair!!!!!!!
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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Blonde Angel Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:26 pm

BlackChevelleSS wrote:sorry to be joking on such a serious topic but watch this clip


I love South Park!

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! That was the best treatment I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz Razz lol! lol!
Blonde Angel
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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by 74MonteCarlo Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:10 pm

BlackChevelleSS wrote:sorry to be joking on such a serious topic but watch this clip


I love South Park!

ROFL!!!!!!!!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Blonde Angel Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:32 am

Well I really appreciate all the support. I am praying and hoping for the best.
Blonde Angel
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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Blonde Angel Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:44 pm

Well, I am convinced that either boot camp or a trip to juvi will straighten my son out. Talking with him, and all the punishment and reward systems in the world won't change his attitude. So, until that day comes when his dad takes him to juvi for a little "wake up" trip or the summer he turns 13 when he is packing his bags and off to boot camp, there is not anything me or his father can do, other then what we have been doing...I wish there was a way to turn the light bulb on in his head for him...parenting is by far the hardest thing I have ever done Mad
Blonde Angel
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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Remy-Z Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:46 pm

I'll be quite honest here...

I grew up in the household with NO religion or real standards (after age 12, all they did was tell me, "just call if you're not going to be home by ten") and by age 15, I had enough and left home. I quickly got my A$$ kicked around (figuratively) and soon got in gear. After completely failing one year of HS and getting expelled as a junior, I graduated with my class in the upper tenth of my class. I constantly get praise for my mellow temper and how easy I am to work with.

And I'll be completely honest, raising my own child scares the hell out of me.

Either way, I hope for the best for you.

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An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child? - Page 2 Empty Re: An ungrateful generation?? Or is my son just an ungrateful child?

Post by Blonde Angel Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:22 pm

Remy-Z wrote:I'll be quite honest here...

I grew up in the household with NO religion or real standards (after age 12, all they did was tell me, "just call if you're not going to be home by ten") and by age 15, I had enough and left home. I quickly got my A$$ kicked around (figuratively) and soon got in gear. After completely failing one year of HS and getting expelled as a junior, I graduated with my class in the upper tenth of my class. I constantly get praise for my mellow temper and how easy I am to work with.

And I'll be completely honest, raising my own child scares the hell out of me.

Either way, I hope for the best for you.

Wow, what a story indeed. You see, I am going by how I was raised and how my parents were raised and how his father and his fathers father were raised. And quite francly they could not get away with 1/4 of what our son pulls in one week. So, you see it is hard to handle because I am watching him go in the wrong direction, and all I can do is give him the benefit of the doubt and warn him that what he is doing will only cause him grief when he is a young man. He thinks I am just blabbing bullshit, but he will learn eventually that for all those years that his father and I gave him rules and dicipline and words of wisdom was only because we love him and want to see him be the best he can be.

I am afraid, however that there are personality traits that a child holds with them and never lets go of, since those traits make them who they are. So, he will have to find his own way in this world and I hope only for the best. Yeah being a parent is a hard job. LOL, try doing it with a child that isn't your own! Boy that is a hard one to handle!!!
Blonde Angel
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