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I have a Youtube problem

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I have a Youtube problem Empty I have a Youtube problem

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:18 pm

I belong to several message boards and frequently a member will post a burnout video and I used to save them to Real Player and watch them whenever I needed an energy boost. The reliabity of downloading kept getting worse and worse and now I can't download from Youtube at all. Anyone know why? JB
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I have a Youtube problem Empty Re: I have a Youtube problem

Post by orange Juiced Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:45 pm

Every once in a while, I too have trouble downloading vids from Utube.

I use a web base download, keepvid.com and it gives you different file formats and quality options. You can do a google search for youtube downlader or youtube catcher for more web base downloader, but they pretty much all the same.

If that doesn't work i use a add on that i have for my firefox web browser made by the same company keepvid. But that doesn't give u any file format options or quality options.

last i have a 2nd add on installed, that at the moment i cant remember the name of (once i log on to my desktop i'll post it). that one is the same, it doesn't give u any options but usually will download it, but it is very slow.

Shoot me a pm if u need help, it can get confusing,
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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I have a Youtube problem Empty Re: I have a Youtube problem

Post by JB2wheeler Tue May 01, 2012 12:50 am

Thanks Juiced, I'll try it tomorrow after I get some sleep. JB
G3GM Fanatic
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I have a Youtube problem Empty Re: I have a Youtube problem

Post by Psychlonic Tue May 01, 2012 12:52 pm

Simply playing a video is hard enough on YouTube these days.

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I have a Youtube problem Empty Re: I have a Youtube problem

Post by orange Juiced Wed May 02, 2012 8:35 pm

JB did it workout for u?

The 2nd add on i was talking about is called Sothink Web Video Downloader
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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