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Nice Chrome

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Nice Chrome Empty Nice Chrome

Post by BONEZARALLY Tue May 01, 2012 8:36 am

Nice Chrome PART_1334924161513
cant promise anything on pricing I only pd 7$ for the one piece
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Nice Chrome Empty Re: Nice Chrome

Post by Joe73 Tue May 01, 2012 10:04 am

That does look good. I'd like to see a dash face plate done in that chrome. When I was painting my chevelle in the late 80's there was a company called Fibermotive in Florida if I remember correctly. I bought my L88 all glass hood from them thats on my car now. They sold all kinds of body parts in fiberglass for our cars. They had listed a 73-77 front bumper in glass for our cars. Well, after speaking with them on the phone they guaranteed me that it was a 73 bumper that they have. Well it wasnt and I had to send it back. My idea was to cut the bumper in half and make a aluminum plate that form fit on the rear of the bumper behind the license plate area. Then I was going to have a local vacuum plating shop chrome the halves for me and I'd reassemble and install the bumper. I was also going to use aluminum tube and flat aluminum to replicate the mounting shocks for the bumper. Would have been a nice weight savings and still look stock. Lots of cool things can be done with that vacuum plating.
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Nice Chrome Empty Re: Nice Chrome

Post by Mcarlo77 Tue May 01, 2012 11:33 am

$7!! Hard to believe a company could afford to process an order for that small amount. We used to figure it cost $35-$40 just to cover the cost of overhead for entering and processing the paperwork for each order...but, good for you! Suppose it might have been cheap because they didn't have to mask off any areas like they'd have to do on a dash bezel for example.
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