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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Limey SE
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by Limey SE Fri May 11, 2012 12:37 pm


Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Bandb

Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Bandb1Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Bandb2
Limey SE
Limey SE

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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by jrb75 Fri May 11, 2012 12:39 pm

I'm terrified right now
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by Tom77 Fri May 11, 2012 4:01 pm

Damm I think I woke up next to the bottom one!!!!!!!! affraid
(ps no my wife doesnt have my password to log on here!)
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by jrb75 Fri May 11, 2012 4:30 pm

Ghost Rider wrote:Damm I think I woke up next to the bottom one!!!!!!!! affraid
(ps no my wife doesnt have my password to log on here!)

Good thing, if she did...YOU DIE!!!
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by 77mali Fri May 11, 2012 6:52 pm

OMG...why? They're bad enough in 2-D.
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Fri May 11, 2012 6:58 pm

this one looks just like him
Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Bandb410

this one is far from the real thing
Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Bandb310
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

Post by knightfan26917 Mon May 14, 2012 2:11 am

I was just thinking it might be time to get some sleep, but now ... not sure I CAN sleep after seeing these lovely faces.


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Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL  Empty Re: Like them or Hate them but these Statues just freak me out LOL

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