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4th of July Celebrations!

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4th of July Celebrations! Empty 4th of July Celebrations!

Post by 77mali Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:00 pm

Here in Boston we're starting our celebrations a bit early. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812, our second war of independence. The USS Constitution (Old Iron-sides) fought in this war and is the oldest commissioned ship in the United States Navy.

At least once a year she sails Boston Harbor, often escorted.

This is a great time of year to reflect about the things we hold dear as Americans such as family, faith and freedom. Give thanks to those who have bravely fought and have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and liberty that we sometimes take for granted.

I was lucky enough to take the entire family around the harbor today and what a great time we had (heat aside). We have 3 Tall Ships that have sailed here from South American Nations and another from Indonesia, as well as "Private" vessels. It's also Navy Week here and we have a host of USN and USGC ships in town for the festivities as well.

4th of July Celebrations! P1030613
4th of July Celebrations! P1030612
4th of July Celebrations! P1030614
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4th of July Celebrations! P1030616

To Arms, To Arms!!! The British are coming!!! (At Faneuil Hall LOL.)
4th of July Celebrations! P1030615
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4th of July Celebrations! Empty Re: 4th of July Celebrations!

Post by Tom77 Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:31 am

Very cool. Nothing like that here!
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4th of July Celebrations! Empty Re: 4th of July Celebrations!

Post by 77mali Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:19 pm

People come here from all over for the 4th. It's always pretty cool. It seems each year the fireworks get better too. When I was a kid I remember the Bicentennial celebration with huge parades and fireworks the whole week in different communities around where I grew up in Boston. I love this country.
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4th of July Celebrations! Empty Re: 4th of July Celebrations!

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:59 pm

Very cool indeed, Paul! Have only been to Boston once and loved visiting the historic sites. Just don't get the real feel of our early history here in the Midwest by just reading about it in a book. You guys are fortunate to live among the great historic treasures.
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4th of July Celebrations! Empty Re: 4th of July Celebrations!

Post by 77mali Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:56 pm

I'm sure everyone has something good near them that they can partake in Patriotic Activities. We are lucky to live in a great city but the heartland and the plains are special too as is the land of 10,000 lakes. Great folks with big hearts not like us rude Yank's...

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