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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Laguna Budman
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:25 am

Anything for a buck...LMAO...can you live without them?



Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  T2ec1610
*Image courtesy of Flea bay
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:36 am

That's insane...LOL!! But, with a shelf life of something like 40 yrs, you wouldn't have to worry about them being old and stale! More importantly, where can I get the Hostess cupcakes?!!
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:59 am

Amazing, no?

I'll miss the frosted Honey Buns the most.

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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by jerry46765 Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:56 pm

I wouldn't get too excited.

The 'brand' is too valuable to disappear.

The name and product will be back and the only difference will be they are manufactured by a different company.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:06 pm

You're absolutely right- a Mexican company has already expressed interest in the brand name & products/recipes.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by jerry46765 Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:52 pm

Well, at least it isn't China, yet.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by orange Juiced Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:32 pm

Has anyone had a twinkie lately? I haven't had one in years, a few months i bought a little pack and they were not as tasty as I remember as a kid.

Doesn't Walmart have a knock off twinkie?
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by pila Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:24 pm

Nothing like junk food, to attract the masses in this country !! And we all wonder why there's so many fat people here !! Surprised

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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by BicknellWelding Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:01 pm

77mali wrote:You're absolutely right- a Mexican company has already expressed interest in the brand name & products/recipes.

And Anheuser-Busch is now owned by the Belgian company In-Bev. I now refuse to buy their products (and I loved me some Bud heavy)
We buy and consume foreign products daily, but watching an American company be sold to another land over corporate greed is where my boycotts begin. Barely anything is "made in the USA" anymore. Half the crap in my house probably came from Japan or china. I work for Furd (sorry guys) Razz , and just about everything in a new F series is labeled from another country. How can we "buy american" when nothing is truly made here anymore? Mexican Twinkies???? no, thanks
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by ant7377 Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:46 pm

They really dont taste the same the same anymore but alot of stuff dosent. Give it a few months and the products will be back.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by BlackChevelleSS Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:03 pm

the wonder bread factory is here in Tulsa, Best smell in town you can smell it for miles. I will truly miss it if its gone.


Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  SIG2

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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by 77mali Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:21 pm

I read Pepperidge Farms is making a play for Hostess too- maybe that smell won't be gone to long.

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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by Laguna Budman Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:30 am

Well Bicknell there is only 1 major brewer left in the USA that is all American owned. That is Yuengling. I am partial to BUD as I work for them. I was not happy about it either but we were the last major brewer left in the US. Miller Coors sold out long before we did to the South Africans. Look on their can Miller SAB South African Breweries. They don't say KING of BEERS for nothin. Besides Belgium is better than China or South Africa.
Laguna Budman
Laguna Budman
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by pila Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:49 pm

I've likely mentioned this before, but I'm sure most of you have heard of Saginaw Steering Gear, and it's what's in all of our cars. Their plants are down the road a few miles from me. It's now called Nexteer, and it's now owned by the Chinese. No telling when they are apt to haul the whole plant machinery out of here. Only good news is that China's economy is dropping off somewhat......
Nothing to do with junk food though ! Very Happy

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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by orange Juiced Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:48 pm

BlackChevelleSS wrote:the wonder bread factory is here in Tulsa, Best smell in town you can smell it for miles. I will truly miss it if its gone.

I know what u mean, we used to have a Rainbo bread factory intown and as a kid i used to love passing by there just for the smell. And if we were lucky, we would stop by and buy some fresh bread and snacks.

I think Good Morning America is having a Made In America special for holiday gifts tomorrow.

orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by 77mali Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:23 am

BicknellWelding wrote:
77mali wrote:You're absolutely right- a Mexican company has already expressed interest in the brand name & products/recipes.

And Anheuser-Busch is now owned by the Belgian company In-Bev. I now refuse to buy their products (and I loved me some Bud heavy)
We buy and consume foreign products daily, but watching an American company be sold to another land over corporate greed is where my boycotts begin. Barely anything is "made in the USA" anymore. Half the crap in my house probably came from Japan or china. I work for Furd (sorry guys) Razz , and just about everything in a new F series is labeled from another country. How can we "buy american" when nothing is truly made here anymore? Mexican Twinkies???? no, thanks

There are plenty of great micro brews around. Harpoon in Beantown & Red Hook up in NH. Sam Adams in now owned by Bud but they still make it local & I still consider them a Boston based company as they still have independent operations.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by Jim_Rockford Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:48 am

I work for the railroad and we serve a Nabisco plant that makes oreos and chips ahoy.. sometimes they come out with a big A$$ bag off all types of cookies for us after we get done spotting the plant, It smells so good and the cookies are 10 times better than what you get off the shelf. I love fresh cookies.
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Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay  Empty Re: Hostess Brand Foods on e-bay

Post by Landonus Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:53 pm

Holy crap, fresh oreos! I've never met a cookie I didn't like.
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