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The varnish job

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The varnish job Empty The varnish job

Post by pila Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:08 pm

My youngest son is home from Florida for ten days, and we are sanding & putting more coats of varnish on the mahogany runabout boat we built for him a few years back. We had only three coats on it after we built it, and he wanted to put another three or four on it while he was here. He teaches an Northern Florida University.
Always great to have him here for a week or two.....
We are gonna repaint the boat trailer too, while I'm in the mood & available.
So other projects, like the El Camino resto etc are on hold for a couple of weeks:D 

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The varnish job Empty Re: The varnish job

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:32 pm

That is an awesome bonding experience for you both! Enjoy the time together! My son lives in Anchorage and, needless to say, we rarely have time to spend together.
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The varnish job Empty Re: The varnish job

Post by 77mali Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:06 am

Good for you! Post some pics of that project Very Happy 

My oldest just graduated college this past May & has a job teaching nearby in NH. She's been gone four years & is moving back home in a couple of weeks...I can't wait to have her back home, even though I know It's only a matter of time before she leaves the nest for good Sad 
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The varnish job Empty Re: The varnish job

Post by pila Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:18 am

My son has been in college for ten years, and should finish his PHD/graduation in the coming winter, or maybe next May. at U of Hawaii, where he did the last 5 or 6 years.  He will likely remain in the Florida teaching job in the immediate future, at least until he finds something more lucrative ....
 I have to load the boat pics onto my photobucket site, and then I'll post the link.

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The varnish job Empty Re: The varnish job

Post by michiganlarry Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:07 pm

My son is home for a weeks leave from the Navy. He wanted to go salmon fishing so that is what we did. I really don't have much time to work on cars during the summer (my little farm take a lot of time) so I have his chevelle buried in the corner in the garage.
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