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GMs new FUgly POS.......

1973 454 MONTE
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:24 am

GMs new FUgly POS....... Img_1910
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by ant7377 Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:59 pm

My eyes!!!!
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by 77mali Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:13 pm

IDK what that is but this is the 2014 C7...
GMs new FUgly POS....... Mm_gal10

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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by BlackChevelleSS Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:30 am

I think everything on the gm lots now looks horrible I see any of the silverados and want to vomit. And that thing they want to call a corvette is just freakin hideous.

And the pic he posted is the 2009 corvette stingray concept turned into reality and built off the c6 platform. You can pull up a c6 pic and see the roof lines, and windows are from it not the new c7 like 77mali posted

GMs new FUgly POS....... X09sv_MNY


GMs new FUgly POS....... SIG2

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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by pila Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:26 am

Seems to me that the mfgrs are running out of styling ideas....
You older guys likely remember the old days when all cars just had to have rocket-ship fins ! Some were really sick...

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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:07 pm

I've seen the word "sick" used to mean wonderful and also seen it used to mean terrible. Personally, my favorite car styles were from the 50's, maybe because that's when I was a teenager. JB
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by 77mali Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:54 pm

That's funny. When I was a kid if you said something was "bad" that meant it was awesome or really cool.

As far as the new C7 Vette, just my opinion, but I wish Chevy/GM would stop trying to make a Ferrari out of it & just build a damn Corvette.
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:35 pm

I would be satisfied if they would just cut the weight of the Corvette by 1,000 pounds. JB
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by fishhead Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:46 pm

There's no human element in today's designs because they rely on digitized renderings instead of sculpting the body lines by hand with clay.Everything is done using computer graphics to save time and money...welcome to the future,everything is churned out with a cookie cutter.(blaaaaaahhh..)

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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by ant7377 Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:53 pm

Cars today look like whoa nelly ,aside from a few maybe. Since GM went to FWD in 86 every thing looked the same. They try and sometimes succede but for the most part there is no soul and it dosent have to be that way,the pony cars are a great example as well as the Caddy CTS and ATS.
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GMs new FUgly POS....... Empty Re: GMs new FUgly POS.......

Post by JB2wheeler Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:35 am

fishhead wrote:There's no human element in today's designs because they rely on digitized renderings instead of sculpting the body lines by hand with clay.Everything is done using computer graphics to save time and money...welcome to the future,everything is churned out with a cookie cutter.(blaaaaaahhh..)
Good point. JB
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