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Some of my side business stuff

1973 454 MONTE
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Some of my side business stuff Empty Some of my side business stuff

Post by Trbulnc Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:02 pm

So I have a side gig for fun with a portable Cnc engraver. Mostly designed for concrete but been making some acrylic signs too that turn out cool. Just a few pics. Been playing with LED lighting with them also. Some are from a mancave garage I engraved also.

Some of my side business stuff 7DF4DB8F-C0C0-465F-94CB-66E376F6DA1E-6085-0000058560A6E3C0_zps67d70844

Some of my side business stuff 65610309-56BE-4673-910D-49F8B145D9DD

Some of my side business stuff 255E7B96-4BEB-4F1A-A819-A4219067EA6C-2758-000002DC122A306C_zps4ad4e9ba

Some of my side business stuff FFB2D90A-DF04-46CF-BF3F-E32C463126FB

Some of my side business stuff 1A9AEF07-E92C-4D0B-9805-E509C523732A

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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by thatfnthing Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:20 pm

Very nice!
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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:44 pm

cool stuff
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Street Cred : 36

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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by pila Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:15 pm

Nice work !!

One of my sons does that a place that makes signs, placards etc. He seems to enjoy the job....

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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by ant7377 Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:22 am

Wow! Cool! You could make some nice stuff with that. Maybe you should try some custom engraved valve covers or air filter covers.
G3GM Addict
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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by Trbulnc Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:31 am

Thanks. As long as it is on a flat surface I can work with it

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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by driveit Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:17 pm

Trbulnc wrote:Thanks. As long as it is on a flat surface I can work with it
That's awesome. Do you do graphic design as well? I can do any type of design work if you ever need a hand.
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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

Post by Trbulnc Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:59 pm

I only design in the software to what I know I can cut or if someone already has artwork. I'll keep you in mind if I someone asks me to design also. I can take a picture of a design and convert it to vector art.

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Some of my side business stuff Empty Re: Some of my side business stuff

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