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wind storm

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wind storm Empty wind storm

Post by pila Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:04 pm

We had quite a wind storm a few days ago, like maybe the same day as those Illinois tornados. Local wind indications were noted as 60+ MPH.

Anyway, the wind ripped about 6 feet of shingles off of the south-west corner of my roof, just below the peak
So I got more work than I planned for during the last two days, replacing a a lot of shingles.
My house is out in the open, with farm fields all around it, so there's no wind breaks like big trees etc.
Worst part of the job was the 9-12 pitch of my roof !
I put the whole roof shingles on by myself, when I built the house in the early 80s, but I was a young guy then...only in my 50s !Very Happy

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wind storm Empty Re: wind storm

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:42 pm

We had a big hail storm in August and just got a new roof installed a couple weeks ago courtesy of insurance company. No way I'd have even considered doing it myself.
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