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multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start

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multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start Empty multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start

Post by thepossumface Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Didn't know were to put this so, I'll start it here, I wanna make a switch to start the car, no key there will be  a master switch for all power, going to swap out the old wiring for a painless harness which I've used before. But I'll need to know how to hook up the switch for the starting, fuel, that's it, I'll start a build once I get everything but as of now IM getting info and parts so by July IM ready to take it racing.
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multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start Empty Re: multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start

Post by bracketchev1221 Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:03 pm

What you can do is run a wire from the battery switch to a distribution block that would then feed your individual switches. Run a wire to the button and then your starter solenoid. In the trunk you can use a relay for your fuel pump fed from the battery switch and then run a small wire from your switch in the car back to the relay. I use an ARC switch panel in the chevelle. But previously used toggle switches and a button.
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start Empty Re: multi questions on fuel, and switch hook up for push start

Post by Limey SE Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:30 am

I was watching Hot Rod TV on YouTube a show called Roadkill look for the one with the 68 Charger in the episode It kinda shows the set up you with a push button start and toggle switch for the other items you would need for the race car........ Frieberger and his assistant are hilarious in the episodes LOL
Limey SE
Limey SE

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