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Arizona Emissions

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Arizona Emissions Empty Arizona Emissions

Post by Uncle Meano Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:45 pm


There is a link on this page to show your support for this bill.  Very Happy
Uncle Meano
Uncle Meano
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Arizona Emissions Empty Re: Arizona Emissions

Post by orange Juiced Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:55 pm

thanks for the link  Thumbs up 
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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Arizona Emissions Empty Re: Arizona Emissions

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:56 am

Did away with that state run cash-cow a dozen yrs ago here in MN. Independent studies kept showing there was no evidence of any measurable improvement in air quality that normal attrition of older cars being replaced with newer ones wasn't taking care of.
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Arizona Emissions Empty Re: Arizona Emissions

Post by Pontichev327 Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:30 am

As long as they are insured in Az as a collector car, you don't have to go through emissions, and I have five year plates too. Saved a lot of time and money as I used to run all five thru... $$$.
G3GM Enthusiast
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Arizona Emissions Empty Re: Arizona Emissions

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