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the dangers of salt

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the dangers of salt Empty the dangers of salt

Post by dynchel Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:54 am

This a 2011 F-250 ford super duty truck with less than 5000 miles on the clock. It belongs to the Morton salt company, just shows how a bad enviroment affects sheetmetal.
the dangers of salt IMG_20140603_083701263_HDR_zps2nxtgy6s
the dangers of salt IMG_20140603_083733340_HDR_zpsns7szx7x
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by thatfnthing Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:47 am

Wow, and the factory coatings are so much better now. Imagine how fast the things corroded when they sucked!

Note to self: never buy a used vehicle from a salt company...
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by JB2wheeler Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:35 am

That's enough to raise one's blood preesure! JB
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by ant7377 Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:57 pm

Looks like every Ford and for that matter Dodge and Chevy around here that is that old. Does it still have 1/4 panels? Dodges here I think are the worst. 1/4's totally gone on 7 or 8 year old trucks.
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by dynchel Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:04 pm

Yeah, but I this is only three years old.  The body has some minor surface rust but I didn't notice any rot (yet)
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by pila Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:54 am

Looks like a typical Michigan vehicle ! My '92 Chevy pickup isn't quite that bad ( yet )..
No real prevention from rust, just stuff to slow it down....

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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

Post by 77mali Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:26 pm

It's a Ford so, I say let it sit in the wet salt brine all it wants Very Happy 
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the dangers of salt Empty Re: the dangers of salt

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