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Another job I didn't need...

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Another job I didn't need... Empty Another job I didn't need...

Post by pila Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:27 pm

The clutch in my '92 Chevy pickup is broke. Pedal went to the floor with a snap. I've been a few days getting the transmission out. It turns out that the clutch release fork wore through, and the pivot ball for it went clean through it.
Seems like it's happened to other folks too.
Anyway, I was amazed to find the the local Advance Auto store had two of the those forks in stock !!
And to add insult to injury, while removing the drive shaft, I discovered that the cover on the rear end has rusted through, and pin hole was leaking gear lube.

So, back to Advance Auto.......and guess what ! They had three of those covers in stock ! I about fell over that time. Exclamation  But, it suggests that this stuff happens frequently, or they wouldn't stock those parts !!

The good news in all this, is that the original clutch pressure plate, and the flywheel, are not grooved at all, and are smooth as a baby's butt ! And the disc still has quite a bit of lining on it yet. This is after 278,000 miles, since I bought the truck new in May of '92 !!

Anyway, I had already bought a new clutch assembly a few years ago, along with the release bearing etc, so that's what is going in.
Too much stuff falling apart while I'm trying to get the Elco project ready for paint... Mad 

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Another job I didn't need... Empty Re: Another job I didn't need...

Post by thatfnthing Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:12 pm

Lucky find on the leaky rear. Might not have discovered it until it was empty, and you really would've hated that.
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Another job I didn't need... Empty Re: Another job I didn't need...

Post by dynchel Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:24 am

I replace a lot of diff covers at my work.  Its more common on fords and dodges, but occasionally we do a Chevy also.
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Another job I didn't need... Empty Re: Another job I didn't need...

Post by 77mali Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:14 pm

Gotta love these old Chevy Trucks.  That's a pain in the Arse to do but thank goodness that's all you have to replace.  I've been working on my old truck too & trying to get to the Malibu.  Last weekend I flushed out the entire cooling system and did an oil change- the coolant looked like it hadn't been touched in years!  This weekend's project is changing out the gear lube in the axles and transfer case.  At least the trans fluid looks to be new though (thank goodness).
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Another job I didn't need... Empty Re: Another job I didn't need...

Post by pila Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:15 pm

Yesterday, my son came over & helped lift the pressure plate up to the flywheel & get it bolted on. Today I put the trans back on the engine, and replaced some studs in the exhaust manifolds, since there was more room to remove the rusty ones with the trans out of the way.
Maybe I'll get it done about Monday. Question 

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