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aluminum cans are my savior!

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aluminum cans are my savior! Empty aluminum cans are my savior!

Post by McCauley5983 Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:05 pm

recycling cans and bottles pays so much i think its like $1.60 a pound for aluminum and about $1.40 for plastic and it keeps going up. im getting so much gas money and food money
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aluminum cans are my savior! Empty Re: aluminum cans are my savior!

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:57 pm

My next door neighbor would go around the 'hood collecting cans and would get about a hundred a week or every 3 weeks, depending. He passed away last summer and his family asked me if I wanted his cans. I did not want to fool with them so turned them down. They dragged out 5 33 gallon plastic bags full of crushed cans and threw them in the garbage can. We have those huge cans they pick up with a robotic arm on the side of the truck. It filled up that can and a bunch fell on the ground to stay. No telling how much they were worth. JB
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aluminum cans are my savior! Empty Re: aluminum cans are my savior!

Post by JasonZ Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Anytime you come across aluminum cans get them. They maybe down now but wow when its up its good money!!
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aluminum cans are my savior! Empty Re: aluminum cans are my savior!

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