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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Limey SE
magic marouke
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Post by driveit Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:30 am

Mine is weight loss. Here is a bit about what I have been doing and a little back ground.

Hi my name is Chris. I am 28 years old, a husband and father of two. I work a 40 hour week am involved in my church and have little time for anything else. I have been overweight all of my life, but this year I had decided it was time for a change. I wanted to get healthier. I want to be here for my family for a long time.

I started my journey maxed out at 305 pounds. This was back in the winter. I had been cutting back and dropped 10 pounds between then and June 14th of 2014, this is when I got serious. I started walking every day on my lunch break at work. I walked the roads in the Ky heat and pushed myself each day to go farther, longer or quicker. Sometimes I would even throw in a short burst of jogging, mind you at this point it was very short! I could not hold out for long. I also began using the Web MD fitness tracker which helped me track what I was eating and the different types of exercise that I was getting. This really helped me keep things in perspective and helped me stay on top of my goals.

I saw my doctor for the first time in over 10 years and to my surprise everything checked out great, except my weight. In my first month I lost 20 pounds. On July14th I started T25 which was exhausting. I was sore from head to toe and kept a headache for the first part of the day. As I am writing this portion the day is July 15th and about 2 hours after my second workout. I am tired, but I feel good. It did not seem as intense as the first. I am having to do the modifiers on some of the workouts, but I will get there. More to come later!

I felt good today so I took a walk on my lunch as usual. This time I left a little later than I intended. I decided I would try to break by record on time. I usually try to walk 2 miles and it takes me about 50 minutes to do it. I walked most of the way today, but jogged some and even had a few short running bursts just to see how fast I could go between a few points all out. I enjoyed, but was very tired afterward. I may have overdone it a bit, but made it back in 37 minutes. I think I will try to match that again next time, but may skip the walk tomorrow to let my body recoup.

Okay, so today is July 17th and the third day of my T25 journey and I am tired. I feel good, but I am tired. This one was a challenge to say the least. I couldn’t even do the modifier on some of the workouts. I didn’t let it stop me though. I kept going and just did something to keep my momentum going. I tried to do something similar if I could or just do something if I couldn’t. The important I guess was not to give up. I was running late for work this morning and almost quit with 5 minutes left. I thought about it and said no. I have come this far I will just get ready quicker. I found out that I have dropped 3 more pounds and made it to work on time. This puts my current weight down to 273. I am so excited to see my weight this low. I can’t even remember for sure when it was this low last. I think probably in middle school. I have always been a big buy as far back as I can remember.
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by Trbulnc Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:52 am

That's really great. Good for you, starting is the hardest thing sometimes and you are well on your way.

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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by driveit Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:29 am

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Post by dynchel Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:01 pm

I just try to make as much extra money as I can.  Two kids in full time daycare (summer) is killing us to the tune of $1200.00 a month.  I've been averaging $50.00 a week extra "scrapping". Btw anyone with a pick up truck that can't make extra money isn't trying hard enough...
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Post by Limey SE Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:57 am

Very cool keep up the good work, I myself have struggled at 391, Enough was enough got off the forklift at work and went onto the production floor so far from May 3rd till July 14th, I am at 337. I feel better and have not had to use my asthma inhaler in 30days I am shooting for 225 or so and well on my way.
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Post by thatfnthing Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:43 am

Congrats, that's a great accomplishment!
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Post by driveit Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:15 pm

Thanks and congrats to you Limey. My goal for now is 200. I already feel worlds better. I want to get in better shape for my kids. I sit at work all day as I do tech support and then when I get home I just don't feel like doing anything. It is time for a change!
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by Tom77 Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:27 pm

Congrats. 250 is the goal here!
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Post by driveit Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:17 pm

Awesome! Is anyone using the WebMD tracker? That is what I use and I love it!

Here is the link if you are interested. It helps me see how I am doing and keeps me focused.

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Post by JiMi_DRiX Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:15 pm

Thats good Chris! Keep it up!!

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Post by magic marouke Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:16 pm

I'm working on getting my US citizenship this year . It's been my dream for many years now . Love my new country for the last 7 years so making it official now .
magic marouke
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by driveit Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:50 pm

I wish you the best on that. I imagine that it is difficult, but I have no ideah. Good luck.
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by chevellelaguna Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:06 pm

My goal is to wake up tomorrow.

Married for 13 years and have a 7 year old son. I've always been healthy until
I hit 40. I had some childhood kidney issues that until 2012 stayed relatively unproblematic. I was down to 7 percent kidney function, and couldn't keep going with life's demands at that rate. After several surgeries this past year I started Dialysis (I go three times a week for 4 hours each time) I continue to work full time and make up the lost time as best I can. It's lousy financially, and a huge time drain, but as long as I can keep going, I will, for my Family. So my goals are to, continue working, finish my car, and wake up tomorrow.
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by dynchel Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:11 pm

Wow, sorry to hear that. I will add you to my "prayer list". John m.
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Post by ant7377 Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:38 pm

Jeez sorry to hear that,any chance of a transplant? I hope the best for you guys. My brother did really well on weight watchers. Lost about 60 lbs. and kept it off.
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Post by chevellelaguna Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:51 pm

Thanks guys, transplant will take years, will be on the list soon. I wouldn't be able to deal with a weight issue, I love to eat food. I feel really bad for you guys but don't give up, that's some serious determination to loose 30-40 lbs. keep going! I want to see just how far you can push yourselves!
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by thatfnthing Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:15 am

dynchel wrote:Wow, sorry to hear that.  I will add you to my "prayer list". John m.

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Post by Limey SE Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:07 am

X 3-4-5 here Tom we all are facing our battles and demons I PRAY FOR ALL OF US to be able to defeat this battle in jesus name.
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by driveit Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:51 pm

You are all in my prayers as well. Keep your chins up. Ive been kinda down today. Stepped on the scale this morning and and up 2 pounds... Like a smack in the face... Gotta try harder.
lol Oh well. I will get there I am not giving up!
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Post by driveit Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:10 pm

On my lunch today I walked 2 miles at a pace of about 3 miles per hour.  I burned about 356 calories according to the map my walk app I use on my phone.  I have used it 3 times now and really like it.  works for android and iphone too I think.  I recommend it if you walk. Oh and down to 270 now. Hope its down a bit more tomorrow. We shall see.
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Post by pila Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:53 am

Hope you folks can keep plugging away at weight loss etc.

I've been fortunate for most of my life, as far a health issues are concerned.  Until last year, just some kidney stones, etc in recent years, and even a bladder stone, which I think is rare Question   
I had some cancer removed from one vocal chord last year, and get checked each 2 months for a year, to see that it's gone.

But I can still pass my FAA medical for my pilot's license, so I'm not ready for the rockin' chair just yet...

I have smoked for over 60 years, and my big decision this past week has been to give it up Exclamation 
So that's what's going on now...


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Post by Oldschool454 Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:36 am

Just trying to enjoy the little things around me that get taken for granted most times. Trying to look forward to every day, as opposed to just two days out of the week. And when I say little thing's I means things like, we have central heating and air, a nice front yard (a front yard period), space in general.

And to be honest I didn't really think of stuff like this until I traveled to Japan for the first time. Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful, beautiful place that I wouldn't even mind living. It just has its tradeoffs. The stuff you know about but it doesn't really hit you until you experience it yourself. Like...the lack of front/backyards, the lack of space to drive a HUGE car like a Laguna on the roads(it wouldn't fit in an average parking spot. lol) Having portable a/c and heating units instead of central a/c. Just the little stuff.

I have more than enough to be thankful for, especially for my age. I'm 27 and have a house, a 2 car garage, loving wife and happy and healthy son(my own health not to mention), a means of daily transportation as well as a fun project car, an internet connection as we speak, lol. So anyways, yeah my goal is just to be happy everyday and be thankful for what I have instead of wishing I had more. Very Happy
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by Wallyuph Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:50 am

chevellelaguna wrote:My goal is to wake up tomorrow.

Married for 13 years and have a 7 year old son. I've always been healthy until
I hit 40. I had some childhood kidney issues that until 2012 stayed relatively unproblematic. I was down to 7 percent kidney function, and couldn't keep going with life's demands at that rate. After several surgeries this past year I started Dialysis (I go three times a week for 4 hours each time) I continue to work full time and make up the lost time as best I can. It's lousy financially, and a huge time drain, but as long as I can keep going, I will, for my Family. So my goals are to, continue working, finish my car, and wake up tomorrow.

Its a one day at a time battle for every thing Keep trying is the main point.

For me its weight thing also as a grad schooler I wore what we called back in the day "Husky's" for clothes. Been over 200 lbs since 6th grade. Last November I hit 299 I have never hit 300 and I'm small at family gathering if some of you know what i mean we are all large in the Nicholson side of the family. I decided to join weight watchers and as of last Tuesday I'm now at 249 so I have lost 50lbs so far. I do not have a goal as of yet I just keep dropping the goal by 10lbs at a time and keep telling my self I did not gain the weight in a month or 6 months so it will take a while to drop it. I share this with you all as inspiration. You would think I would feel on top of the world but I really don't I have found the slight depression is another family trite that I just now starting to deal with. It set's in around 50 years old from most family members that are willing to share or talk about it. I just don't feel like my self latley. I have a doctor apt in two weeks for physical and to talk about new issue. he will be glad to see the weight loss so making progress.  

Here is a shot of me getting ready to cook 18 racks of ribs for national night out aug 2013
Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? <a href=Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Img_6810" />

Here is a shot of me and My beautiful wife last week
Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? <a href=Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Wally_11" />

As you can see I'm still a big guy and if I can drop 50lbs and still cook ribs and 80lbs of pork and 30lbs of spuds last week plus lots of cooks since November you can do it to. Again this is for inspiration for all of you. Cooking is another hobby of mine. PS I made that smoker pit myself
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Anyone have any personal goals they are working on? Empty Re: Anyone have any personal goals they are working on?

Post by chevellelaguna Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:06 pm

Thanks guys, I try not to take things for granted, I know that I did for sure earlier in life. Everyday is a new challenge, tackle one hurdle at a time. I like your idea of 10 lbs less every time. I hope you stick with it, you must feel better about yourself loosing the weight, so keep a positive outlook. You'll have good and bad days, sometimes you won't get the 10lb mark, but that should force yourself to push harder. Look how far you've come!
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Post by driveit Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:55 pm

I have been stuck in a rut at 270 and haven't moved in over a week. I am gonna really buckle down and try shed some more. I hope and still loosing and just putting on some muscle in its place as well. I have been doing the T25 workouts daily and lifting weights a few nights a week. I walk about 2 miles nearly everyday. Gotta keep on movin! Congrats to everyone and keep one keepin on. Oh an awesome job on the smoker Wally!
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