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If your a deer hunter, read this

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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty If your a deer hunter, read this

Post by coreys73chevelle Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:27 am

I took my rifle to the range today to sight in for the uppcoming season, and just as i was finishing. i see something under lane 9, im at lane 15. everyone stops and looks at each other like what the heck is that real or am i seeing things? A frekin 2x2 was walking literly in front of the targets as we were shooting! it wouldnt go away, just eating grass and looked at the shooters and kept eating. they stopped all shooting and we finally got it too run off when we got our targets...why dont they do this when we hunt?! i guess they are used to the guns but what a retard buck.
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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty Re: If your a deer hunter, read this

Post by JB2wheeler Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:39 am

I bet you had that "deer in your headlights look". JB
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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty Re: If your a deer hunter, read this

Post by novaderrik Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:42 pm

on Wednesday night at about 11pm, i pulled into my driveway and there was a deer standing right in my yard.. i pulled my car about 5 feet away from it, and it didn't even flinch. got out of my car, and it just stood there watching me- i half expected it to charge me for some reason. get in the house, turn on the outside lights, and it stands there for a few minutes and then just kind of wandered into the woods behind my house.
and i live right in town..

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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty Re: If your a deer hunter, read this

Post by BlackChevelleSS Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:06 pm

we had a bob cat walk across our field the other day, My dad was on the tractor mowing about 20 yards from it. I saw a mountian lion right by where I was working on my car couple years ago. My grandpa found a dead coyote under his house about a month ago. Dont know whats with all this wild life they must be confused. we live kinda on the edge of the city in the subaurbs


If your a deer hunter, read this SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty Re: If your a deer hunter, read this

Post by JB2wheeler Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:05 pm

BlackChevelleSS wrote:we had a bob cat walk across our field the other day, My dad was on the tractor mowing about 20 yards from it. I saw a mountian lion right by where I was working on my car couple years ago. My grandpa found a dead coyote under his house about a month ago. Dont know whats with all this wild life they must be confused. we live kinda on the edge of the city in the subaurbs
Tire smoke from burn outs has a tendency to do that to wild animals. JB
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 28

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If your a deer hunter, read this Empty Re: If your a deer hunter, read this

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