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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Keith Seymore
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by McCauley5983 Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:12 pm

What are things I can expect I have several old cars and currently do not smog them do I need to start to be able to register them in Michigan any advice would be greatly appreciated
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by dynchel Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:39 pm

My brother went to school in Michigan.  At the time (late '90's) there was no smog test, no limit for window tint, and no front license plate required.  I always said I was going to register my car in Michigan.
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by pila Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:36 am

There are no inspections that I'm aware of. Probably should be, when you see some of the junk on our streets...Rolling Eyes
It's probably the drivers that need an inspection Very Happy

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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by McCauley5983 Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:22 pm

I'm moving to kalamazoo from the little time I've spent there it seems really nice and a nice change of pace from phoenix
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by dynchel Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:24 pm

Temperature wise you will be in for a shock.
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by Tom77 Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:45 am

And I thought moving from Mesa AZ to Indianapolis was a big shocker! LOL
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by McCauley5983 Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:27 pm

I drive truck coast to to coast so it's not gonna be much of a surprise and it's much easier to layer up and pull out the oil heater than it is to cool off hell you can only remove so many layers
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by Tom77 Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:34 pm

Exactly what I told my wife. Lived in my pool three months of the year.
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by Keith Seymore Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:19 pm

Around here you can ice skate on the pool six months out of the year.

"Winter-Water Wonderland" = very hard water.

Keith Seymore
Keith Seymore
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by McCauley5983 Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:48 pm

From what I've been seeing Michigan has more to do than ARIZONA and less bs
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by Keith Seymore Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:18 am

McCauley5983/ Billy-Ray wrote:From what I've been seeing Michigan has more to do than ARIZONA and less bs

I dunno.

I've lived here all my life, except for four years in Phoenix (Mesa, working at the GM Desert Proving Ground).

When we were out there we'd do day trips almost every weekend:  Canyon Lake, Saguaro Lake, Tortilla Flats, Roosevelt Dam, Meteor Crater, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Jerome, Sedona.  Even used it as a jumping off point for longer trips:  Pikes Peak, Durango, Bakersfield, Napa Valley.

We had one Sunday where the kids went sledding in Flag and that evening went swimming (outside) in Apache Junction.

We moved back here and were like:  "...now what?".

I'd love to get back out there if I could swing it.  I suppose the grass is always greener (and the dirt is always browner) on the other side.

Keith Seymore
Keith Seymore
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by McCauley5983 Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:59 pm

I don't know how long ago you moved back to detroit but in the past few years a lot has changed here in the valley I'm not saying it's bad it's just not my cup of tea
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by pila Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:46 am

I've lived in Michigan my whole life except three years in the military during the Korean war. Around here we call it "nine months of winter, and three months of tough sledding " Very Happy
That's not really true though. One thing is that we miss a lot of nasty weather during winter months, like there has been on the East coast this week.

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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by thatfnthing Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:37 pm

pila wrote:"nine months of winter, and three months of tough sledding " Very Happy

That's a good one! I'll have to add it to the two I already use:

"Ten months of winter and two months of bad skiing."

"We have four seasons: winter, winter, winter, and road construction."
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moving to michigan what kind of smog laws Empty Re: moving to michigan what kind of smog laws

Post by dhw3971 Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:40 pm

McCauley5983 wrote:What are things I can expect I have several old cars and currently do not smog them do I need to start to be able to register them in Michigan any advice would be greatly appreciated

No emissions test required, no front license plate required but there IS a limitation on front window tint...I think one can only have a 4" strip across the top of the front windows.  you can have tint all the way around if you have some sort of medical requirement.  You can also get three types of license plates for your vintage auto: 1. regular "renew every year" plate 2. Historic Vehicle; good for 10 years with limitations on distance driven per year 3. "Year of manufacture plate"; good for 10 years also. Let's say your car was manufactured in 1975--you'd need a 1973 plate with a 75 "tab" (little sticker in the corner).  More licensing info at the Secretary of State: www.michigan.gov/sos

And since you're in Kalamazoo, be sure to check out the Gilmore Car Museum in  nearby Hickory Corners: http://www.gilmorecarmuseum.org/
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