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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread? Empty Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

Post by fishhead Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:27 pm

What the heck..I salvaged the foam insulation pad from an old Omaha Steaks delivery.(They come to your door in a styrofoam cooler with a foil-wrapped double-layer of foil-covered foam padding).I removed the foil off of the foam pad and I used a small piece of the foam to apply a fresh coat of aluminum rustoleum paint to my weathered bowtie grill emblem on my 73 chevelle.The foam pad worked a lot better than a paint brush or spray on the grainy texture in the centerfield of the emblem and was easy to do.

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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread? Empty Re: Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

Post by thatfnthing Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:00 pm

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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread? Empty Re: Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

Post by fishhead Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:43 pm

Lol! I don't eat steak due to a restricted diet,but I have a LOT of little foam paint applicators/ tire shine sponges.They work REALLY well for applying SOG or ArmorAll to tires for a touch-up job without messing up chrome wheels.

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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread? Empty Re: Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

Post by fishhead Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:47 pm

It's these times in the garage when I can really appreciate "recycling".

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Starting a "handy garage tips" thread? Empty Re: Starting a "handy garage tips" thread?

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