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road trip pics & a perfect trailer

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road trip pics & a perfect trailer Empty road trip pics & a perfect trailer

Post by knightfan26917 Wed May 06, 2015 7:07 am

This past Saturday, 05/02/2015, my cousin & I road tripped from northeastern IL to southwestern IL & back. The deal: my cousin covered gas & food; I provided the tunes & itinerary. Read more about the day (including some pics)…:

Speaking of road trips, of these 4 trailers, I think the Pacemaker would be most appropriate for me….

Cort Smile www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
1979 & 1989 Caprice Classics | pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve
"I don't have time" __ Dido __ 'Sand In My Shoes'
G3GM Senior Member
G3GM Senior Member

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