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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by clanceman427 Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:24 pm

Is there a trick to removing the 2 wire plug from the alternator? It's a stock 73 Chevelle ss with 350. I'dlike to get the alternator bench tested since I'm reading 15.2 volts at slow idle. Just trying to remove alternator to take to shop. I am pushing the plastic locking tab towards the connector body, it just seems that it is still strongly connected. In my younger years the connector would be broken at this point due to my ignorance and prying with screwdrivers! But since this car seems so original with wiring in good shape. I don't want to break anything. Any tricks for getting this plug removed? I even squirted some WD40 down the 2 openings near the wires but feels like it's interlocked, not corroded together.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by Joe73 Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:51 pm

I've used needle nosed pliers, vertically, to squeeze the tab onto the connector. If the connector cracks, which it probably will due to age and heat, a replacement connector is readily available. And you can usually just switch the wires into the new plastic plug.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by clanceman427 Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:16 pm

Thank you, I did get it off with needle nose vice grips, thankfully in one piece. Looks like there was some light rust near the bottom.

So that lower bolt for the alternator, the long one that goes in the head, man is that fine pitch? It's taking forever to get out, and it's tough to turn. Been goi g slow with it, and squirting on blaster in the gaps that are between the head and the round sleeve. Guess there's a ton of rust build up and such. Just don't wanna snap that long lower bolt.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by Joe73 Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:28 am

I dont recall that bolt being fine pitch. As long as she's moving, thats half the battle. Ease it out of there and see whats going on.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by bracketchev1221 Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:20 am

Bolt into the head is supposed to be a 3/8-16 coarse thread bolt. Now with the age of this stuff, is it possible a fine thread helicoil was installed, maybe.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by clanceman427 Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:59 pm

Well I got the alternator out. Turns out the difficulty/jamming was between the long bolt and the ear of the alternator body. No thread damage and the alternator says Delco Remy so it might be the original alternator Laughing Tomorrow I'll use some heat to persuade that bolt out.

hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Imag0616
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

Post by clanceman427 Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:41 pm

Well I put the bolt head in a vice along 2 flats and was able to walk the alternator off the bolt, no heat required. The alternator tested bad so I bought a new one but kept the original for the restoration to get rebuilt eventually.
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hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick? Empty Re: hard to remove 2 wire alt plug, trick?

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