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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Limey SE
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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by Limey SE Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:41 pm

this is very graphic WHY NOT TO OWN A SMART CAR

how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image00222
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image00333
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image00666
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image0101010
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image0121212
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Image0131313

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by badbiscayne66 Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:44 pm

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by ant7377 Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:06 am

They shouldnt be allowed to sell that junk here.I dont think those pics are in the U.S. but c'mon they try to save us from everything else then let that junk get sold here.
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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by Limey SE Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:13 am

thats overseas , but its still a smart car they sell here....................instant death no chance

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by IndyG3 Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:14 am

The amazing thing is, there are people that think the "Smart" car is the best thing you can buy..... Shocked
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by BlackChevelleSS Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:46 am

im surprised the smart car did that much damage to the truck


how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by 74MonteCarlo Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:56 am

I don't think that's a smart car. Look at the taillights. Those aren't Smart car taillights. And it looks like it says "VW" in the center of the wheel. Regardless, its the same size as a Smart car, and that would actually happen in a Smart car.

G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Not Smart

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:51 pm

It's called a VW Crossfox. It just looks like a Smart car after the semi ran it over. (Notice how it is /was a 4 door.)
how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR 24812710
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by TJ77 Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:05 pm

Could happen to anyone at anytime...unless your driving a 77 Malibu that'll run right through the semi like a hot butter knife!! Then chuck Norris will pop up out of the blue and finish the truck driver off for being in your way! Sorry, bad joke, but I think you guys understand! Playing in the NFL without a helmet.
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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

Post by The Dude Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:00 am

I didn't realize you were joking. Shocked Those 90lb bumpers have hit a doe before in my hands. Guess who got nothing more than a bloody grille. Twisted Evil In the deer's defense, I did slam on the brakes to slow the car down. Man that was a nasty stinky mess to clean up.

Remember, Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

One more thing. This is the reason NO ONE in my family drives a small car. My Zuk is the only exception & it has 33" tires to run over whatever hits it, lol.
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR Empty Re: how smart is the car now .....(VERY GRAPHIC WEAK STOMACH DO NOT LOOK)......... SmaRT CAR

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