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cash for clunkers engine seizing

Roadcaptain S3
Limey SE
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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by The Dude Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:57 pm

There's only one way out of this jam & it's a losing situation for everyone. I want you guys to remember what I'm saying because it's gonna happen in the next 2-3 years. A few months after all of the loans & "special programs" have finished, the government will be so far in debt that they will be forced to print more money. This will cause the overall value of the dollar to go down significantly. Problem solved or worse off than we started? The problem with our country is that we all rely on credit. If credit had never been established, people that worked would have what they earned.

Democrats have a twisted way of thinking. People who vote Democratic based on being told that they support the poor man are sorely mistaken as well. Have you looked at Democratic stances? Morons. Even if the Democratic party really did support the poor man, all he is doing is hurting them. I'm a poor Republican & proud. Why in hell would you raise minimum wage? All that does is cause business owners to raise their prices & mister burger flipper is back to square one. Now the power of the dollar means less.

Same thing goes for raising taxes & anything else that effects higher class people. They didn't get rich by letting money slip away & they sure aren't gonna live on the same level as you & I. You tax them & they'll make sure their Bentley & both of their mansions are getting paid for by charging more for their product. I'm sure that some of the older members on here remember when $5 in gas would fill you up. I personally remember $0.80 a gallon like it was yesterday & when it shot up to $1.70, truckers were throwing a fit & demonstrating against it. How does $1.70 a gallon sound today?
The Dude
The Dude

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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:22 am

Neither party does anything for the guy with a job. Democrats look out for the "poor" , and republicans look out for the corporations and the rich white guys. Who really does anything for middle class folks who pay their taxes.
Cash for clunkers really only seems to help the folks who could probably afford to buy a new car anyway. Our family does pretty well salary wise, but to buy a new car with a minimum $300-500 car payment and insurance is out of our reach. SILLY SILLY move if we did that. We could do it, but that would just incur more unneeded debt for another 3-5 years. Stupid.
People taking advantade of this program would buy a new car anyway, or would be dumb or greedy enough to buy it and have it repo'ed by the bank in a short time .
Kinda like the mortgage crisis on a smaller scale.
Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by The Dude Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:57 am

Roadcaptain S3 wrote:Neither party does anything for the guy with a job. Democrats look out for the "poor" , and republicans look out for the corporations and the rich white guys. Who really does anything for middle class folks who pay their taxes.
Cash for clunkers really only seems to help the folks who could probably afford to buy a new car anyway. Our family does pretty well salary wise, but to buy a new car with a minimum $300-500 car payment and insurance is out of our reach. SILLY SILLY move if we did that. We could do it, but that would just incur more unneeded debt for another 3-5 years. Stupid.
People taking advantage of this program would buy a new car anyway, or would be dumb or greedy enough to buy it and have it repo'ed by the bank in a short time .
Kinda like the mortgage crisis on a smaller scale.

BINGO........ Anyone that really is trading a real clunker, lets say a severely rotted 1985 smoking turd, means that they couldn't afford to upgrade to something 10 years old or newer before this anyways. Now they've gone & thrown themselves into debt, which will lead to repossession, which ruins their credit, which makes it impossible to go buy another vehicle when the new one gets repossessed unless they go find another rotted out smoke shooting turd. Where does that leave this poor fellow? In the same type of vehicle as before, but now with poor credit.

My soon to be wife & I have thought about buying a new minivan, but right now isn't the time even with CFC. Funny enough, she looked it up & her 2001 Furd Taurus missed the program by one mpg. We actually average close to 26 mpg so I don't know where they got their figures from. I'm waiting on everything to cool down before I buy a home or new car. Looks like I got another four years of singing the working man's blues.
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by G3NUT Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:14 pm

Just found out today that the cars don't get crushed.
They get sold to the salvage yard with the highest bid.
So don't worry there will be plenty of used parts to go around minus the long blocks of course.
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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by The Dude Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:58 pm

I found this funny:

The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by Redsway76 Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:21 am

they do go to junk yards but whose to say those junkyards arent gonna start jacking prices up on what would usually be a failry cheap part.

i wanna vent a lil bout the program myself i was driving home to southenr IN last week drove past this Furd dealer just a lil ways out of MI saw a perfectly good looking Jeep Grand cherokee sitting in a dumpster as advertisement for this program. my problem with this is i owned a beautiful grand cherokee this one wa sin equal shape to mine that i traded off for a Suburban. well my bro needed a cheap car so he bought my neigjhbors grand cherokee total POS barely any exhaust rust everywhere half the plastic for the bumpers is missing and here as stated earlier perfectly good cars are going to overall waste when they good go to good causes such as good will, salvation army, theres a lot of programs for these things. oo well im done venting now
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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:15 pm

Wait, I know I've seen this before. Oh yeah, in history class back in high school. There was this guy in Germany back in the 1940's who tried to create this "Super Race" and packed up all these people into these things called "Concentration Camps" and put them into an oven. This is such bullshit. It's car genocide being run by our own government. Perfectly good engines are being destroyed for what? So you can buy a Prius for $4500 cheaper? I swear, if I find out someone dumped off any of our G3's to get one of these things, I will personally drive to your house and put a rainbow sticker on your rear windshield and a "I traded in my G3 for this fagmobile" sticker on your plastic bumper.
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by The Dude Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:20 pm

Easy there Bu balls, lol. Don't worry it's for 1985 & up vehicles. Ours are safe.

If I was to compare Obama to the previously mentioned historical figure, it would be for other things, but the Hitler-Volkswagen/Obama-GM similarity could start to make you think. scratch
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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cash for clunkers engine seizing - Page 2 Empty Re: cash for clunkers engine seizing

Post by IndyG3 Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:12 pm

Hitler gave great speeches too. Just sayin'...
G3GM Enthusiast
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