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Teaching old dog new tricks!

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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by Tom77 Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:34 am

Decided since the wifes 74 Buick needs some metal work to go back to school. Started a hobby welding class at a tech school. Price was right and did three hours last night. Learned a lot. Sure going to make fixing the Buick a peice of cake. Now the question is what welder to buy. Asked the instructer and he sugested a Esob Rebel. At 1500 little higher than I think I need to spend. What do all of you who have these sugest?
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by Joe73 Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:51 am

Lincoln weld Pak. Find one on Craigslist. 100 or 125 amp will be great. Bottle of argon MIX !!! Set the liner and tip up for .023 wire and your good to go with not much investment.
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by Tom77 Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:57 am

Thanks the gas is no problem. Work for Linde Gas. Thanks for the tip on the welder will check it out.
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by Hs1973 Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:18 pm

As a prof body tech i have welded my share of old cars. My experience is that if you buy a Welder to small, you will regret it. It is best to have a machine that can weld Thick metal if need be. If to small it cannot weld a piece of frame for instance. So i would go for a minimum of 150 amp. And stay away from the small ones without bottles. They have the gas in the wire and can only be used for small hobby style welding.

A Nice 150-180 amp machine is the best in the long run and can be used to weld frames, a arms etc, plus it does not have to be turned all the Way up to make a Nice weld on a floor pan. So keep that in mind when shopping around, also if you have the chance to try it before purchase would be Nice. There is alot of difference from machine to machine. So if you can try it first so you know how it feels in your hands.

Also when welding. You need to learn how it should sound when its welding just right. It should sound like frying bacon, and have a Nice low weld on top and almost the same look on the back. Then you are doing it right. And the benefit of a correct weld is alot less grinding after. Remember that welding old sheet metal is alot harder to do than Nice new metal. So the key to Nice weldings, is clean clean and clean. You cant weld paint and undercoat. Go slow and let it cool between welds, also when grinding blue is bad.Hope this is a help in your quest.

Regards Henrik from Copenhagen.
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by ant7377 Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:22 pm

I have a Weld pack but I weld like s#it. I'm going to what Joe said and customize it a little. Might make me better with practice.
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by Joe73 Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:21 am

Any. If you want me to swing by I can help you find u tune I
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Teaching old dog new tricks! Empty Re: Teaching old dog new tricks!

Post by ant7377 Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:28 am

Thanks Joe!
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