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Road trip article with a 73 Monte

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Road trip article with a 73 Monte  Empty Road trip article with a 73 Monte

Post by ant7377 Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:05 am


I think he is selling this car soon. CA car and very rust free.
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Road trip article with a 73 Monte  Empty Re: Road trip article with a 73 Monte

Post by yogreasygramma Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:44 am

I like that car and of course have been following his buildup for years. Too bad Scott deliberately #@&%ed up the pristine door panels, thinking that "it's just a Monte, who cares if I destroy these nice door panels."

"I continued with the stereo and speaker install today. This included me cutting up the pristine door panels for the 6" round speakers. Yeah, I'm a edit for hacking up good door panels. But, before your undies get too twisted; take another look at this car. It's a $5000 car with an I beam for a front bumper. This is not a LS6 Chevelle. Since I cut up the doors for speakers, I said #### it, I'll do the same for the radio."

I know he's got a lot of time tied up in the car and wish him luck with the sale. By the way, excellent and entertaining write-up, as usual! And it's good to see the Monte get some much-deserved press. They are super, outstanding cars which people seem to have forgotten. That's what they were built for and why they were such massive, successful sellers for GM. Our cars handle superbly and it's nice when someone recognizes that. Welcome to the club, Scott! LOL....wanna bet he decides against selling the Monte?

Last edited by yogreasygramma on Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Road trip article with a 73 Monte  Empty Re: Road trip article with a 73 Monte

Post by 74MonteCarlo Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:35 am

Nice car. Shame he cut holes in everything for a radio/speakers.

Like dem buckets/console though.

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Road trip article with a 73 Monte  Empty Re: Road trip article with a 73 Monte

Post by 1973montec Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:40 pm

i cut holes in everything to. but chris told me to. scratch
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