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73 Monte seat belt update

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73 Monte seat belt update Empty 73 Monte seat belt update

Post by impalamonte Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:01 am

As people with pre- 75 year model cars recall , the seatbelt arrangement is rather archaic...troublesome to use to say the least as they are two pieces to make the          connection.
I updated mine with a set of seatbelts from a 2001 Monte.
I removed some metal from the area behind and below the rear seat armrests in the body for the retractors and weaved the seatbelts through the armrests with my attaching point being in the original location in the " B " pillar. Then third point, the floor where the old original retractor would have been. I also had to updated receivers for the belt on the opposite side of the seat for connect across the shoulder/ lap.

I finished things off with a seat belt cover in the armrest from a 94-97 Camaro/ Firebird.

73 Monte seat belt update Dsc03110
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73 Monte seat belt update Empty Re: 73 Monte seat belt update

Post by thatfnthing Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:21 am

Can you get a shot of the B-pillar part? And If you should happen to have the armrest panel off again in the future, I for one would love to see the retractor mount.

I wasn't as creative. My arrangement works better than the factory setup, but still has a tendency to get in the way. I used an aftermarket set of belts and fabricated a hard point on the side of the floor pan, then used the stock B-pillar mount:

73 Monte seat belt update Seatbe10

73 Monte seat belt update Seatbe11

And I wanted shoulder harnesses for the rear seat passengers, so I added those with a convertible kit:

73 Monte seat belt update Seatbe12
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73 Monte seat belt update Empty Re: 73 Monte seat belt update

Post by driveit Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:52 am

Is this the stock one for the Monte?
73 Monte seat belt update Seatbe11
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73 Monte seat belt update Empty Re: 73 Monte seat belt update

Post by thatfnthing Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:17 pm

driveit wrote:Is this the stock one for the Monte?

Nope. The fronts are aftermarket from Morris Classic Concepts. They're better than the factory 2-piece setup, but they're extremely grabby -- you have to pull them out e...x...t...r...a.....s...u...p...e...r......s...l...o...w...l...y. If it wasn't for that, they'd be great. So I'll be looking to do something else. The rears are from the seatbeltstore.com and work fine.
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73 Monte seat belt update Empty Re: 73 Monte seat belt update

Post by impalamonte Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:11 am

Attachment at B-pillar and floor where the original retractor use to attach:

73 Monte seat belt update Dsc03112

73 Monte seat belt update Dsc03113
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

Street Cred : 18

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