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What does yours weigh?

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What does yours weigh? Empty What does yours weigh?

Post by 77cruiser Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:33 pm

Weighed my 77 Monte today, been weighed before but I've changed a few parts since then.
4180 with me so 3990 car itself.
Alum. headed SB though it's a Dart little M.
Inner crash bar out of the front bumper, bumper shocks gone, replaced by homemade mounts.
3 inch exhaust with the big super turbo mufflers.
8 inch steel ralleys
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What does yours weigh? Empty Re: What does yours weigh?

Post by Joe73 Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:59 pm

My title states 3662 lbs. But I've never weighted it myself. But I will when its done.
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