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Post by SSTOOLMAN Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:55 pm

Here is a quick question about my 1997 Dodge ram 1500 5.2L automatic RWD with 130K miles. Why when its below 45 degrees when I start it up cold the transmission slips in drive? If I put it in neutral and let it warm it up for a few minutes then it will move pretty much normally? It seams fine after its warmed up. This is an extra vehicle so it only gets used a couple of times a week. The last trans flush was several years ago at 60K.
I don't want to put a ton of money into it because is probably only worth $1500.
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Post by jaybee Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:11 pm

Sstoolman, the mid to late 90's Dodge trucks had a variety of trans problems. Sounds like your clutch plates are woren or glazed and she needs a complete rebuild.
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Post by pila Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:24 pm

When you say "trans flush", do you really mean a flush, or a fluid/filter change ? I haven't heard anything good about a trans flush. It usually loosens some of the varnish in there, which isn't always a good idea..
A fluid & filter change at this point may be some help to it. Maybe the filter has collected some of the "stuff" loosened by the "flush" if it was done....130 K is low mileage, even for a transmission..

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Post by SSTOOLMAN Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:28 pm

This problem resolved its self after my son used it daily for about a week to drive to work.
I have owned it for 20 yrs and was my daily for 10, when my son turned 16 he used it (more like abused it) for a year until He turned in to a ricer and got a car and it has been used sparingly since.
it just keeps running.
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